
Configuration files of ARender Web-UI

ARender configuration files are located in the folder WEB-INF/classes of ARender webapp

File name Editable Role and content No Default properties configuration of ARender Web-UI including rendition server access and connector. No Default custom properties needed for our connectors. You can find ECM properties in there.
arender-server-custom-<…>.properties Yes Custom properties file of ARender Web-UI. To modify it copy the needed properties from arender-server-(default).properties.
arender-custom-server-integration.xml Yes Allows to insert custom Spring Bean, without overloading default ARender configuration.
arender.xml No Main configuration of ARender Web-UI.
ehcache.xml Yes Cache configuration of documents opened via the graphical interface. Yes Application logs configuration. No Default interface configuration. Yes Custom configuration of ARender Web-UI (Cf. Profile)
customClient/<…> Yes Another custom configuration of ARender Web-UI that support a wilcard filename No Configuration of ARender Web-UI provided through Docker environment variables

Rendition server definition

In order to define one or several rendition servers, edit the arender-server-custom-<…>.properties configuration file as follow:


The value of "{rendition_server_x}" here has to be changed by the right rendition server address

(Don’t forget to reboot your Web-UI)

XFDF annotation folder configuration

A default folder is configured in ARender to saved annotations as XML files. The user that launch the application server has to have read and write rights on this folder.

By default, XFDF annotations are saved in a folder named ARenderAnnotations/ created in the home folder of the user that launch the application server.

On Windows, if the application server is launched as a service (without any user configured), the folder will be created in C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile.

To configure a specific folder,

  • Either modify server properties in arender-server-custom-<…>.properties and add the property arender.server.annotations.xfdf.localstorage.default.path with the wanted value.
  • Either create a system property named arender.annotation.xfdf.localstorage.default.path and set its value with the needed folder path.

Style sheet: ARender-mat.css

Most of the ARender graphical components can be configured in the style sheet. Consult the file for more details.

This stylesheet is related to default user profile. See the Configuration guide for more information.

Custom token validation

The validation of a token is configurable if it is sent as a POST request cookie or attribute to the URL /arendergwt/validateToken.

The token must have the name “token”.

The custom validator Java class shall implement the TokenValidator interface. It must be declared in the ARender configuration through the arender.server.json.load.token.validator property. The default validator is NoopTokenValidator.