
The test jar « arondor-arender-rendition-tester-{VERSION-NUMBER}-jar-with-dependencies.jar », allow the user to launch some functional test on rendition server with following options as admin:

$> java -jar arondor-arender-rendition-tester-{VERSION-NUMBER}.jar
Option Description
d Define the rendition server to use.
w Width of generated pictures. The given parameter can be the width or a width gap with the number to increment. (Default value: 595)
t Number of documents to concurrently process: simulate several users
l When user open a document (URL), this one is get before to be sent to rendition server
c Disable conversion of pages in pictures
p Generated pages. The configuration is the same as width parameter, the page is directly given or given in a gap. (Default: all pages)
n Disable pages content getting back
z Waiting time between parsing and pages conversion (Default: 0)
o Output folder where are stored the pictures. If no folder is given, picture are stored in cache
f Path of a file containing a test files list
v Test reporting file path (CSV)
r Test reporting file path (XML)
k Output folder where are stored renditioned documents
h Help menu
  • Basic test: This test is based on the default file of rendition server. To launch the test, all you need is, via the console, go to jar location and type the following command:
$> java -jar arondor-arender-rendition-tester-{VERSION-NUMBER}.jar -d http://rendition-server:8761/ -w "(100,1100,100)" -t 4 -v report_ARender.csv
  • adapt the port 8761 depending on your configuration

In order to test the rendition server against business sample files:

  • create a files.txt in the tester folder
  • add one absolute file path per line

To launch the test, all you need is, via the console, go to jar location and type the following command:

$> java -jar arondor-arender-rendition-tester-{VERSION-NUMBER}.jar -d http://rendition-server:8761/ -w "(100,1100,100)" -t 4 -l -f ./fichiers.txt -v rapport_ARender.csv

Analysis report


Column Description
Name Metric name
Total Total execution duration (ms)
Calls Total number of calls
Minimum Minimum execution duration (ms)
Maximum Maximum execution duration (ms)
TheoricalRate Theorical rate of executions per second and client thread
EffectiveRate Effective rate of executions per second


  • [Image_IM]()${width}_0: renditions of pages of width ${width} (px)
  • Image: renditions of all pages
  • Image_PageContents: extraction of page textual content
  • Fetch_DocumentPageLayout: extraction of document layout information (mime type, page count, page dimensions) and conversion if necessary

Report example (4 threads)

name total calls minimum maximum average theoreticalRate effectiveRate
Open 10 1 10 10 10.0 100.0 0.25967282
Fetch_DocumentPageLayout 170 1 170 170 170 5.882353 0.25974026
Image_IM_100_0 771 19 17 83 40.57895 24.64332 4.9337835
Image_IM_200_0 317 19 11 31 16.68421 59.9369159.93691 4.9325027
Image_IM_300_0 427 19 14 50 22.473684 44.496487 4.935065
Image_IM_500_0 831 19 29 95 43.736843 22.86402 4.9337835
Image_IM_400_0 648 19 26 53 34.105263 29.320988 4.9337835
Image_IM_600_0 1070 19 35 87 56.31579 17.75701 4.9337835
Image_IM_700_0 1409 19 40 150 74.1579 13.484741 4.9325027
Image_IM_800_0 1411 19 48 148 74.26316 13.465628 4.9325027
Image_IM_900_0 1808 19 59 211 95.1579 10.508849 4.935065
Image_IM_1000_0 1973 19 74 149 103.8421 9.630005 4.9337835
Image_IM_1100_0 2222 19 86 176 116.947365 8.550855 4.9337835
Image 12875 209 11 211 61.60287 16.23301 54.271618
Image_PageContents 561 209 1 42 2.6842105 372.549 54.271618

To conclude, this report shows that:

  • the average time to generate 1000 pixels images is 104 milliseconds
  • the rendition server was able to render 54 pages per second
  • PDF layout extract took 170 millisecondes