POST a transformation order

This API allows you to request a transformation order to create a new document in an expected format and according to transformation criteria.

API technical description

Endpoint :

POST /transformations

Body :

Attribute Type Required Description
format String yes Target document format
transformationDetails List yes The list of transformation details
annotations Annotations no Annotations correctly built according to the referenced documents

Response :

Attribute Type Description
transformationOrderId TransformationOrderId Transformation order ID.
This will can permit you to use other APIs like the one to retrieve some information about the transformation or to delete it.


Build a new document

The call below generates a build request from two documents already known from the rendition. The output document will be a PDF containing pages 1 to 4 of document docId1 then page 1 of the same document and finally page 1 of document docId2.

curl -X 'POST' \
  'http://localhost:8761/transformations' \
  -H 'accept: */*' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "annotations": null,
  "format": "pdf",
  "transformationDetails": [
      "transformationElements": [
          "documentId": "docId1",
          "pagesSelectionList": [
              "maxPage": 4,
              "minPage": 1
              "maxPage": 1,
              "minPage": 1
          "documentId": "docId2",
          "pagesSelectionList": [
              "maxPage": 1,
              "minPage": 1

Build multiple new documents

The call below generates a build request from two documents already known from the rendition. Two documents will be generated : one PDF containing the page 1 of document docId1 and one PDF containing only the page 1 of the document docId2.

curl -X 'POST' \
  'http://localhost:8761/transformations' \
  -H 'accept: */*' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "annotations": null,
  "format": "pdf",
  "transformationDetails": [
      "transformationElements": [
          "documentId": "docId1",
          "pagesSelectionList": [
              "maxPage": 1,
              "minPage": 1
      "transformationElements": [
          "documentId": "docId2",
          "pagesSelectionList": [
              "maxPage": 1,
              "minPage": 1

Burn annotations in a document

The call below uses the same build request as in the previous example, but adds the following annotations:

  • A “Square” type annotation from page 1 of document docId1
  • A “Freetext” type annotation from page 1 of the document docId2
  • A “Text” type annotation from page 1 of the document docId1
  • A “Line” type annotation from page 1 of the document docId2

The output document will be similar to the output of the previous example and will also contain the burnt annotations mentioned above.

curl -X 'POST' \
  'http://localhost:8761/transformations' \
  -H 'accept: */*' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "annotations": {
    "annotations": [
        "type": "com.arondor.viewer.annotation.api.SquareElemType",
        "documentId": {
          "id": "docId1"
        "page": 0,
        "position": {
          "x": 10.0,
          "y": 10.0,
          "w": 100.0,
          "h": 100.0
        "interiorColor": {
          "r": 0,
          "g": 255,
          "b": 0
        "type": "com.arondor.viewer.annotation.api.FreetextElemType",
        "color": {
          "r": 0,
          "g": 255,
          "b": 255
        "documentId": {
          "id": "docId2"
        "page": 0,
        "position": {
          "x": 110.0,
          "y": 110.0,
          "w": 100.0,
          "h": 20.0
        "opacity": 0.7,
        "contentsRichtext": {
          "type": "com.arondor.viewer.annotation.api.RichtextElemType",
          "value": "<html xmlns=\"\"><body><span style=\"font-size:16px\">This is a freetext</span></body></html>"
        "contents": "This is a freetext",
        "width": 2.0,
        "defaultappearance": "0 R 1 0 0"
        "type": "com.arondor.viewer.annotation.api.TextElemType",
        "color": {
          "r": 250,
          "g": 250,
          "b": 0
        "documentId": {
          "id": "docId1"
        "page": 0,
        "position": {
          "x": 350.0,
          "y": 200.0,
          "w": 160.0,
          "h": 50.0
        "creator": "Creator Name",
        "creationDate": 1667828859995,
        "opacity": 1.0,
        "contentsRichtext": {
          "type": "com.arondor.viewer.annotation.api.RichtextElemType",
          "value": "<html xmlns=\"\">\n<body><font face=\"Helvetica\" size=\"2\">This a sticky note</font></body></html>"
        "contents": "This a sticky note",
        "icon": "Note"
        "type": "com.arondor.viewer.annotation.api.LineElemType",
        "color": {
          "r": 100,
          "g": 100,
          "b": 100
        "documentId": {
          "id": "docId2"
        "page": 0,
        "position": {
          "x": 350.0,
          "y": 300.0,
          "w": 150.0,
          "h": 50.0
        "contentsRichtext": {
          "type": "com.arondor.viewer.annotation.api.RichtextElemType",
          "value": "<html xmlns=\"\"><body><p class=\"arrowDistance\">1.84in</p></body></html>"
        "start": {
          "x": 350.0,
          "y": 300.0
        "end": {
          "x": 450.0,
          "y": 350.0
        "head": "OPEN_ARROW",
        "tail": "NONE",
        "width": 2.0
  "format": "pdf",
  "transformationDetails": [
      "transformationElements": [
          "documentId": "docId1",
          "pagesSelectionList": [
              "maxPage": 4,
              "minPage": 1
              "maxPage": 1,
              "minPage": 1
          "documentId": "docId2",
          "pagesSelectionList": [
              "maxPage": 1,
              "minPage": 1

Add FDF annotations in a document

The call below generates a request to add a “Square” type annotation on the document docId. The output document will be a PDF containing an FDF annotation.

curl -X 'POST' \
  'http://localhost:8761/transformations' \
  -H 'accept: */*' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "annotations": {
    "annotations": [
        "type": "com.arondor.viewer.annotation.api.SquareElemType",
        "id": "21ea93fe-ca56-4b25-9a6b-e8091d45fd35",
        "creationDate": 1667828859995,
        "flags" : {
        "documentId": {
          "id": "docId"
        "page": 0,
        "position": {
          "x": 10.0,
          "y": 10.0,
          "w": 100.0,
          "h": 100.0
        "interiorColor": {
          "r": 0,
          "g": 255,
          "b": 0
        "opacity": 0.5,
        "height": 90.0,
        "width": 180.0
  "format": "pdf-fdf",
  "transformationDetails": [
      "transformationElements": [
          "documentId": "docId"

Merge several documents into one PDF

The call below generates a document merge request. The output document will be a PDF containing the pages of document docId1 then those of document docId2.

curl -X 'POST' \
  'http://localhost:8761/transformations' \
  -H 'accept: */*' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "annotations": null,
  "format": "pdf",
  "transformationDetails": [
      "transformationElements": [
          "documentId": "docId1"
          "documentId": "docId2"

Archive documents

The call below generates a document merge request. The output document will be an archive (zip) containing the document docId1 which will be named documentTitle1 and the document docId2 which will be named documentTitle2.

curl -X 'POST' \
  'http://localhost:8761/transformations' \
  -H 'accept: */*' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "annotations": null,
  "format": "zip",
  "transformationDetails": [
      "transformationElements": [
          "documentId": "docId1",
          "documentTitle": "documentTitle1"
          "documentId": "docId2",
          "documentTitle": "documentTitle2"