POST annotation conversions

This API allows you to convert annotations from an existing document id.

API technical description

Entry point:

POST /annotations/conversion

Query Param:

Variable Type Required Description
sourceType String yes The source annotation format type, the accepted values are XFDF or FDF.
targetType String yes The target annotation format type, the accepted values are XFDF or FDF.
documentId String yes The ID of the requested document.


Variable Type Required Description
Accept String yes The format output type, the accepted values are application/json or application/octet-stream.


Attribute Type Description
annotations InputStream or JSON The annotations for the requested document id.


Convert annotations for a specified document

The call below generates a request to convert the XFDF annotations for the document with id b64_bG9jYWxlPWZyJnJhbmRvbVVVSUQ9ZmFjMTgyOWItYjc0Ni00ZGVlLTg1YWEtNTZhNzY4NTcyOGMx to FDF and get the result as InputStream.

$ curl -X 'POST'\
  -H 'accept: application/octet-stream'\
  -H 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream'\
  --data-binary '@Titre.pdf'