Save recomposed document
Below you will find a configuration with properties modification.
Be sure to read before the chapter : Web-UI configuration guide.
Moreover, in order to save new document with ARender you need to activate the documentBuilder functionality as below:
Tutorial for ARender versions strictly lower than 3.1.4
It is possible to define different behaviors at the save of a built document.
Below, the properties to modify:
Role: behavior to adopt at the save.
Possible values:
CREATE_NEW_FIRST_DOCUMENT: a new document is created in the CSP.
UPDATE_FIRST_DOCUMENT: a new version of the document is created in the CSP.
UPDATE_NO_DOCUMENT: no action on the CSP side.
Role: Activate/deactivate document download on client side.
Possible values: true/false.
Tutorial for ARender versions 3.1.4 and higher
It is possible to show different buttons having specific behavior at document save.
Below, the properties to modify:
Role: get back to the legacy behavior of pre 3.1.4 ARender versions (see Tutorial for ARender versions strictly lower than 3.1.4).
Possible values: true/false.
Role: Activate/deactivate the download button of a built document on the client side.
Possible values: true/false.
Role: Activate/deactivate the button that create a new document in the CSP corresponding to the built document.
Possible values: true/false.
Role: Activate/deactivate the button that create a new version of the document in the CSP corresponding to the built document.
Possible values: true/false.