
Change notifications

  • Objet: getARenderJS()
    function Description Arguments
    registerNotifyLogEvent(hook) Trigger a hook function when a notification is displayed hook: The hook function to call

The following functions allow to alter the received notification event caught by the hook function.

  • Object: getARenderJS()
    Function Description Argument
    setLogEventMessage(event, message) Change the notification message by “message”

    event: The notification event

    message: the new message

    setLogEventDisplay(event, boolean) Allow the notification display

    event: The notification event

    boolean: Display the notification if true, hide it if false

    setLogEventLevel(event, level) Change the notification level

    event: The notification event

    level: the new level (“SEVERE”, “WARNING”, “INFO”, “CONFIG”, “FINE”, “FINER”, ou “FINEST”)

getARenderJS().registerNotifyLogEvent(function(event, level, message){
  getARenderJS().setLogEventMessage(event, "Error: " + message);
  getARenderJS().setLogEventLevel(event, "SEVERE");
  getARenderJS().setLogEventDisplay(event, true);