Server performance / Set server

Server performance

A servlet is deployed to display the performance of each server. These performances will be sent as a file, if the format parameter is empty, not given in the URL, or equal to HTML, the file will be an HTML file. Otherwise the file will be a JSON file.


This functionality is accessible via the servlet: weatherServlet

Usable in GET

Request example

curl -X GET 'http://<arender_host>/ARender/arendergwt/weather?format=type'
  • format: the format of the returned file (optional)

Servlet Response

Performance of each server will be displayed in a file. If the format parameter is empty, not given in the URL or equals to HTML the file will be an HTML file. Otherwise the file will be a JSON file.

Set server

A servlet is deployed to add a server thanks to its address.


This functionality is accessible via the servlet: weatherServlet

Usable in POST

Request example

curl -X POST -d "<arender_rendition_host>" 'http://<arender_host>/ARender/arendergwt/weatherServlet'
  • arender_rendition_host : new server address to add.

Servlet Response

To make sure the server is added, it is possible to use the GET query which will give you the performance of each of your servers.