Contextual menu
All contextual menu item can be disabled.
- Key: contextualMenu
Description Parameter Key Type Enable contextual menu enabled Boolean Enable icons in contextual menuicons.enabled Boolean Print popup hasPrint Boolean Print all pages hasPrintAll Boolean Create sticky note annotation hasStickyNote Boolean Create highlight text annotation hasHighlightText Boolean Create strikeout text annotation hasStrikeoutText Boolean Create underline text annotation hasUnderlineText Boolean Create rectangle annotation hasHighlight Boolean Create circle annotation hasCircle Boolean Create arrow annotation hasArrow Boolean Create polygon annotation hasPolygon Boolean Create polyline annotation hasPolyline Boolean Create freehand annotation hasFreehand Boolean Rotate current page to the left/right hasPageRotation Boolean Allow to close multiview hasMultiView Boolean Allow to show guide ruler action hasShowGuideRuler Boolean Allow to hide guide ruler action hasHideGuideRuler Boolean
# Disallow print from contextual menu
# Disable the contextual menu