
Register to error events while loading documents

  • Object: getARenderJS()
    Function Description
    registerNotifyLoadingErrorEvent(callback) Register a callback function that will be called when an error occurs when loading documents. Arguments: - the callback function to call when an error occurs.
// Subscribe a function to the errors
getARenderJS().registerNotifyLoadingErrorEvent(function(documentId,message) {
  console.log("error: "+message)
// Loads the PDF reference document
// If an error occurs I am notified on the function defined before!
  function(id) { getARenderJS().openDocument(id); }

Know when ARender finished to load its modules

  • Object: getARenderJS()
    Function Description
    registerAllAsyncModulesStartedEvent(callback) Register a callback function that will be called when ARender finishes loading its modules. Arguments: - the callback function to call when asynchronous modules are loaded.
// Subscribe a function to the loading. When asynchronous modules are loaded I am notified
  function() {console.log("modules are loaded")}

Know when a page change occurs

  • Object: getARenderJS()
Function Description
registerNotifyPageChangeEvent(callback) Register a callback function that will be called when a page change is requested.
// I am notified to a page change request
  function(currentPage, pageCount, documentId) {
    console.log("page " + currentPage + " change requested for document " + documentId)

Setup plugin events and plugin parameters

  • Object: getARenderJS()
    Function Description
    preparePluginEvent(key,value,pluginName) Insert a (Key,Value) couple in the target URL of the next plugin Event of name pluginName
    clearPluginEvent(pluginName) Clear all couple (Key,Value) stored in for the name pluginName
    openPlugin(pluginName,openInMultiView) Open the plugin pluginName in ARender, in multiView or not with the boolean openInMultiView

These functions allow you to prepare a plugin opening event in order to enrich its launch in a contextualized way from ARender.

function arenderjs_init(ajs)
    // this line prepare an URL such as http://plumeURL/?
    // Here, we clear all stored values for this plugin,
    // can be useful if called from a "clear" button

Interact with anchor

  • Objet: getARenderJS()

    Function Description
    askOpenAnchorModal(isFromThumbPresenter, documentId, x, y, w, h, page) Ouvre la popup de création des ancres
    • isFromThumbPresenter : If true, generate an anchor from selected pictree thumbnails. If false generate an anchor from document view.
    • documentId: The ID of the document.
    • x: The x-coordinate for the anchor’s position.
    • y: The y-coordinate for the anchor’s position.
    • w: The anchor’s width.
    • h: The anchor’s height.
    • page: The page number where the anchor is located.
// To create an anchor from pictree in page 1 of a document
getARenderJS().askOpenAnchorModal(true, "documentId", 44, 26, 25, 30, 0);