Complete example to add redact annotations
In this page we will detail how to create redact annotations from the document transformations REST API.
Redact annotation on a given text
Here, we will use the text “Test business” as an example. To redact a specific text in the document, we first need to retrieve the position related to.
Retrieving the position of a text
To retrieve the position of the text, the searchText endpoint is used.
curl -X 'GET' \
'http://localhost:8761/documents/b64_bXlkb2N1ZW1udA==/pages/0/text?searchText=Test%20business&caseSensitive=false&accentSensitive=false®ex=false' \
-H 'accept: */*'
We are working here on the first page of the document b64_bXlkb2N1ZW1udA==
The result tells us the position of the desired text:
{"searchResults":[{"positionText":{"pageNumber":0,"position":{"x":42.52,"y":245.07303,"w":55.264004,"h":12.0},"text":"Test Business","individualWidths":[5.3768005,4.8927994,4.4000015,2.4463997,2.4463997,5.869602,4.8927994,4.4000015,1.953598,4.8927994,4.8927994,4.4000015,4.4000015],"fontSize":8.0,"font":"JQRQXM+Helvetica","clickableDestination":null,"paragraphId":3,"rightToLeftText":false,"startTime":-1.0,"rotation":0},"textRangeList":[{"firstCharacter":0,"lastCharacter":12}]}]}
Create the redact annotation
Now, we know that the position of the text corresponds to:
Let’s apply these coordinates to the annotation creation template:
curl -X 'POST' \
'http://localhost:8761/transformations' \
-H 'accept: */*' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"annotations": {
"annotations": [
"type": "com.arondor.viewer.annotation.api.RedactTextElemType",
"documentId": {
"id": "b64_bXlkb2N1ZW1udA=="
"page": 0,
"id": {
"id": "non-null-value"
"coords": [
"x": 42.52,
"y": 245.07303,
"w": 55.264004,
"h": 12.0
"color": {
"r": 0,
"g": 0,
"b": 0
"format": "pdf",
"transformationDetails": [
"transformationElements": [
"documentId": "b64_bXlkb2N1ZW1udA==",
"pagesSelectionList": [
"maxPage": 1,
"minPage": 1
"documentTitle": "MyDocument"
The result gives the id of the transformation:
Retrieve information from the transformation
Let’s retrieve the document id via the previously requested transformation order: 7325e176-400c-460b-b51e-a8026b78c62a
curl -X 'GET' \
'http://localhost:8761/transformations/7325e176-400c-460b-b51e-a8026b78c62a' \
-H 'accept: */*'
Result: here we retrieve the transformationResultDocumentID corresponding to b64_NGZlMWJlMTktNGYyNS00MjAzLWI1ZGQtNGNiYTkxMmI0OGIx
Download the document from its ID
Now that we have the document id b64_NGZlMWJlMTktNGYyNS00MjAzLWI1ZGQtNGNiYTkxMmI0OGIx we can download it:
curl -X GET \
'http://localhost:8761/documents/b64_NGZlMWJlMTktNGYyNS00MjAzLWI1ZGQtNGNiYTkxMmI0OGIx/file?format=pdf' \
-o my_pdf.pdf
This downloaded document has the desired redacted annotation.
Other way to create redact annotations
Create a redact annotation in the defined zone
The annotation creation template can directly be used to create a annotation in a zone. To create an annotation at the positions {“x”:35.0,“y”:25.0,“w”:160.0,“h”:25.0} the call is:
curl -X 'POST' \
'http://localhost:8761/transformations' \
-H 'accept: */*' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"annotations": {
"annotations": [
"type": "com.arondor.viewer.annotation.api.RedactElemType",
"documentId": {
"id": "b64_bXlkb2N1ZW1udA=="
"page": 0,
"id": {
"id": "non-null-value"
"position": {
"x": 35.0,
"y": 25.0,
"w": 160.0,
"h": 25.0
"interiorColor": {
"r": 0,
"g": 0,
"b": 0
"format": "pdf",
"transformationDetails": [
"transformationElements": [
"documentId": "b64_bXlkb2N1ZW1udA==",
"pagesSelectionList": [
"maxPage": 1,
"minPage": 1
"documentTitle": "MyDocument"
Create a redact annotation based on a rule
We can create the annotations based on rules. As example: be able to redact all amounts in a document. This regex is then used: ($[0-9]+(.[0-9]+)?)
We first need to use the URL encoding to the given regex to get: %28%5C%24%5B0-9%5D%2B%28.%5B0-9%5D%2B%29%3F%29
curl -X 'GET' \
'http://localhost:8761/documents/b64_bXlkb2N1ZW1udA==/pages/0/text?searchText=%28%5C%24%5B0-9%5D%2B%28.%5B0-9%5D%2B%29%3F%29&caseSensitive=false&accentSensitive=false®ex=true' \
-H 'accept: */*'
The result tells us all the positions of the matching text, now we can use the annotation creation template, as seen previously, to create the desired annotations.