Merge documents

ARender provides a way to generate a fusion of multiple documents into one PDF.

Request to use

This functionality relies on the use of the servlet: mergeDocumentsServlet.

Usable in POST or GET.

Request example

You will find below, exemple with documents accessible by URL. You can also put any kind of parameter matching any connector (FileNet, Alfresco etc…)

curl --data "url=../../samples/arender.pdf&url=../../samples/fw4.pdf" http://<arender_host>/ARender/arendergwt/mergeDocumentsServlet
curl -X GET 'http://<arender_host>/ARender/arendergwt/mergeDocumentsServlet?url=../../samples/arender.pdf&url=../../samples/fw4.pdf&url=../../samples/arender-en.pdf'

Servlet Response

The servlet returns the UUID of the merged document and its number of pages.


Here the UUID is: b64_NWNjODk3MmQtMjJhOC00YzM3LWE4YjItNjZiMTkzOGFkMzU0.

The number of pages is 32.

One the request executed, the merged document is in ARender cache and viewable through the URL below:


Even downloadable through:
