
Where can I find log files?

Log files trace information and errors about ARender usage.


The main log file can is arender-server.log located in [Rendition-installation-folder]\modules\RenditionEngine. It will contain the logs of all micro-services.

The start and stop of each other micro-services will be found in the following files:

  • [Rendition-installation-folder]\modules\JNIPdfEngine\arender-jnipdf.log
  • [Rendition-installation-folder]\modules\PDFBoxEngine\arender-pdfbox.log
  • [Rendition-installation-folder]\modules\TaskConversion\arender-taskconversion.log


Zip packaging

The main log file is located in the root of the WEB-UI package and named: arender-hmi-server.log.

EAR packaging (IBM Websphere)

ARender application logs can be found in the logs folder of WebSphere installation folder

  • Example:

    C:\Program Files\IBMWebSphere\AppServer\profiles\App\Srv01\logs