GET file chunk
This API allows you to retrieve a chunk of a file with a specified range of offset.
API Description
GET /documents/{documentId}/file/chunk
Resource path:
Variable | Required | Description |
documentId | Yes | The ID of a document |
Query params:
Parameter | Required | Description |
format | No | The format of the document in which we retrieve the chunk |
Resource header:
Variable | Required | Description |
range | Yes | Range value in “bytes=x-y” format with x and y being integers |
Retrieve Chunk
The following example retrieves a chunk of a document with ID b64_bm9yZS92SDMtMS0xMTh1735080237 in txt format which exist in rendition.
curl -X 'GET' \
'http://localhost:8761/documents/b64_bm9yZS92SDMtMS0xMTh1735080237/file/chunk?format=txt' \
-H 'accept: */*' \
-H 'Range: bytes=0-10'