ARender allow to integrate plugins. They can be opened in two different ways:
- Direct opening from the ARender URL with the parameter plugin=pluginName
- Opening from ARender by events (Button press/configuration)
Plugins XML configuration
If you use the button mode to launch your plugin, you have to make a configuration of it in toppanel-configuration.xml:
<bean id="topPanel" class="com.arondor.viewer.client.toppanel.TopPanel">
<property name="containedWidgets">
<ref bean="plumeButton" />
<property name="moreButton">
<ref bean="moreButton" />
<bean id="plumeButton"
<property name="enabled" value="true" />
<property name="imageResource">
<property name="width" value="32" />
<property name="height" value="32" />
<property name="url" value="icons/plume.png" />
<property name="buttonTitle">
<property name="buttonHandler">
<property name="openInMultiView" value="true" />
<bean id="topPanel" class="com.arondor.viewer.client.toppanel.TopPanel">
<property name="containedWidgets">
<ref bean="plumeButton" />
<property name="moreButton">
<ref bean="moreButton" />
<bean id="plumeButton"
<property name="enabled" value="true" />
<property name="className" value="standardButton icon-plugin-plume toppanelButton" />
<property name="buttonTitle">
<property name="buttonHandler">
<property name="openInMultiView" value="true" />
The important configuration points in this example are:
- openInMultiView announces to ARender that the plugin can be opened in multiView and not in full window.
- AskOpenPluginEvent possess a constructor-arg that refers the pluginName defined in the server side XML.
In order to configure the plugin itself, it is important to add the configuration either in arender-plugin.xml or in a separate file, referenced in the arender-plugin.xml.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans default-lazy-init="true" default-autowire="no"
xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- xml imported by ARender, please add any plugins you wish to import in this file -->
<import resource="plume.xml"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans default-lazy-init="true" default-autowire="no"
xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<bean id="plume" class="com.arondor.viewer.common.plugin.Plugin">
<property name="iframeSrc" value="" />
Please observe the configuration of the class com.arondor.viewer.common.plugin.Plugin where we use the property iframeSrc. This property allows to setup and iframe source URL in case the plugin refers to an existing webpage. This webpage will then be integrated into ARender as an iframe.
The listing of the different configuration modes are the following:
- iframeSrc: specifies the source of the URL of the iframe integrating the plugin. This implies the iframe mode.
- html: specifies the HTML content of the plugin. This allows a total control of the plugin integration but remove the setting by javascript calls.
- innerHTML: specifies the inner HTML content of the plugin. This allows to put an empty iframe source but with inner HTML contents.