Document builder

Interacting with the documentBuilder

  • Object: getARenderJS().getDocumentBuilder()
    Function Description
    close() Closes the document builder
    open() Open the document builder
    reset() Resets the document builder content

Register to the documentBuilder save event

  • Object: getARenderJS().getDocumentBuilder()

    Function Description Arguments
    registerNotifyAlterDocumentContentEvent(callback) Trigger a callback function when a built document is saved callback: the callback function to call
    registerSubmitAlterDocumentContentEvent(callback) Trigger a callback function when a document creation is submitted callback: the callback function to call
    getSubmittedAlterDocumentContentDescription(obj) Retrieve content description of altered document obj: the source SubmitAlterDocumentContentEvent object
    getDocumentMetadata(desc,index) Extract the DocumentMetadata object from the source AlterContentDescription

    desc: AlterContentDescription

    index: index of the document to fetch documentMetadata from

    getResultDocumentId(obj) Fetch resulting DocumentId obj: the event that was sent when the altercontent operation has been done
  • Object: getARenderJS().getDocumentMetadata()

    Function Description Arguments
    addDocumentMetadata(metadata, key, value) Add a metadata to a documentMetadata object

    metadata: Metadata to modify

    key: String that is the key of the metadata

    value: String that is the value of the metadata

function arenderjs_init(arenderjs_)

function armt_onSubmitAlterDocumentContentEvent(arenderjs_,obj)
    var desc = arenderjs_.getDocumentBuilder()
    var meta = arenderjs_.getDocumentBuilder()
                            .getDocumentMetadata(desc, 0);
    arenderjs_.getDocumentMetadata().addDocumentMetadata(meta, "name", "value");

function armt_onNotifyAlterDocumentContentEvent(arenderjs_,obj)
    console.log("Notify: " + obj);
    var docId = arenderjs_.getDocumentBuilder().getResultDocumentId(obj);
    console.log("Notify: " + docId);
    console.log("Notify: docId = " + docId);

Custom document builder layout

  • Object: getARenderJS().getDocumentBuilder()
    Function Description Arguments
    registerDocumentBuilderOpeningEvent(callback) Trigger a callback function when a built document is opened callback: the callback function to call
    registerDocumentBuilderSaveCustomEvent(callback) Trigger a callback function when a custom document is saved callback: the callback function to call
    createCustomDocument(builderLayout, optionsList) Create a custom document in the document builder builderLayout: the json format of the custom layout, optionsList: the json format of wanted types options to set in the datalist
function arenderjs_init(arenderjs_) {
     * Build the custom document builder in ARender
    arenderjs_.getDocumentBuilder().registerDocumentBuilderOpeningEvent(function () {
        let jsonDocumentBuilderLayout = getCustomLayout();                                                      // Retrieve the json format of the custom document builder layout
        let jsonCustomOptionsList = getOptions();                                                               // Retrieve the json format of the custom options set in the data list
        arenderjs_.getDocumentBuilder().createCustomDocument(jsonDocumentBuilderLayout, jsonCustomOptionsList); // Call the createCustomDocument function to build the custom document builder in ARender
     * Retrieve and log the json format of the custom document builder created in ARender
    arenderjs_.getDocumentBuilder().registerDocumentBuilderSaveCustomEvent(function (customJsonDocumentBuilderTypeInfo) {"customJsonDocumentBuilderTypeInfo :\n" + customJsonDocumentBuilderTypeInfo);