property | Description | type | default |
about.dialog.enabled | No description yet provided | boolean | true |
about.dialog.statistics.enable | Disable/enable showing statistics in the about dialog box | boolean | true |
about.dialog.statistics.table.enable | Disable/enable showing table statistics in the about dialog box (removes as well the graph values) | boolean | true |
about.dialog.statistics.charts.enable | Disable/enable the charts in the statistics section pulls the library from google API (gwt charts) | boolean | false | | Displays the current version in the about dialog box | boolean | true | | Displays the current user in the about dialog box | boolean | true |
property | Description | type | default |
advanced.searchexplorer.enabled | If true, enables the advanced search explorer | boolean | true |
advanced.searchexplorer.min.characterLength | Sets up the minimum character length allowed | integer | 0 |
advanced.searchexplorer.max.characterLength | Sets up the maximum character length allowed | integer | 255 |
advanced.searchexplorer.updates.enabled | If true, search is updated on annotation refresh when the the advanced search explorer is active | boolean | false | | If true, the button for search and highlight is enabled | boolean | false |
property | Description | type | default |
annotation.can.hide.redact | If true, all redact annotations can be hidden using the regular hide annotations button | boolean | false |
annotation.autosave | Allows annotations to be automatically save after edition | boolean | false |
annotation.autorefresh | Auto refreshes the annotations after save | boolean | true |
annotation.autosave.timerDelay | Auto save annotation timer delay in milliseconds | integer | 1000 |
annotation.autosave.repeatMode.enabled | If auto save is enabled, saving may be triggered when using annotation creation repeatable | boolean | false |
annotation.loadingGIF | When saving annotations, display the loading animation | boolean | true |
annotation.loadExisting | Load the existing document annotations on display | boolean | true |
annotation.displaySaveWarning | Display a warning to the end user when annotations are left unsaved | boolean | true |
annotation.preferences.update.onEdit.enabled | Allow annotation preferences update upon edition | boolean | false | | Use local storage for annotation preferences | boolean | false |
annotation.forceReadOnly | All saved annotations will be set to read only | boolean | false |
annotation.forceLocked | All saved annotations will be set to locked | boolean | false |
annotation.comment.pictogram.enabled | Display a pictogram near the commented annotation | boolean | true |
annotation.stickyNote.opacity | Opacity of the sticky note annotation | float | 1.0 |
annotation.stickyNote.minimum.width | Minimum width in pixel of the sticky note annotation | integer | 250 |
annotation.stickyNote.minimum.height | Minimum height in pixel of the sticky note annotation | integer | 170 | | Minimum sizes (width and height) according to zoom | boolean | true |
annotation.stickyNote.content.edition.height.ratio | The ratio of the content edition height according to the sticky note height | float | 0.7 |
annotation.stickyNote.default.color | Color of the sticky note annotation | Color, in format #RRGGBB | #1865D8 |
annotation.stickyNote.hide.border | Hide borders options of the sticky note annotation | boolean | true |
annotation.stickyNote.hide.details | Hide details of the sticky note annotation | boolean | false |
annotation.stickyNote.default.font | Font of the sticky note annotation | String | Helvetica |
annotation.stickyNote.default.fontColor | Font color of the sticky note annotation | Color, in format #RRGGBB | #000000 |
annotation.stickyNote.default.fontSize | Font size of the sticky note annotation | integer | 2 |
annotation.stickyNote.default.bold | Set the font bold by default for the sticky note annotation | boolean | false |
annotation.stickyNote.default.underline | Set the font underlined by default for the sticky note annotation | boolean | false |
annotation.stickyNote.default.italic | Set the font italic by default for the sticky note annotation | boolean | false |
annotation.stickyNote.dotLink.enabled | Enables a link between the pin and the note for sticky note | boolean | true | | Default pin size in pixel for the sticky note | integer | 20 | | INITIALS shows the initials of the creator in the pin. INDEX shows the index of the stickynote | String | INITIALS |
annotation.stickyNote.can.hide.reply.button | If true, reply button will hide when stickyNote text is empty | boolean | false |
annotation.stickyNote.statusList.enabled | Activates the status list drop down | boolean | true |
annotation.stickyNote.action.buttons | Allow the display of the label or not. ALWAYS = the label always appears. HOVER = the label appears when the buttons are hovered. NEVER = the label is never displayed | String | HOVER | | Allow the display of the date or not. By default, the date is displayed | boolean | true | | Display only the initials of the creator name if true. Full name is displayed if false | String | true; |
annotation.stickyNote.outline | StickyNote will be outlined in blue and the edition mode will not be activated when the icon in the comment explorer will be clicked | boolean | false |
annotation.stickyNote.adapt.font.size.enabled | Adapt sticky note font size according to the zoom ratio | boolean | false |
annotation.stickyNote.reduce.all | Reduce all sticky notes at document loading | boolean | false | | Auto hide delay in milliseconds for the annotation popups | integer | 300 |
annotation.popup.default.background.color | Popup fallback background color when the annotation background color is empty | Color, in format #RRGGBB | #F6F6F6 |
annotation.rectangle.opacity | Opacity for the rectangle annotation | float | 0.7 |
annotation.rectangle.minimum.width | Minimum width in pixel for the rectangle annotation | integer | 30 |
annotation.rectangle.minimum.height | Minimum height in pixel for the rectangle annotation | integer | 10 |
annotation.rectangle.default.color | Color for the rectangle annotation | Color, in format #RRGGBB | #EAF39C |
annotation.rectangle.default.border.color | Border color for the rectangle annotation | Color, in format #RRGGBB | #EAF39C |
annotation.rectangle.default.border.width | Border width in pixel for the rectangle annotation | integer | 0 | | Opacity for the circle annotation | float | 0.7 | | Minimum width in pixel for the circle annotation | integer | 30 | | Minimum height for the circle annotation | integer | 10 | | Color for the circle annotation | Color, in format #RRGGBB | #EAF39C | | Border color for the circle annotation | Color, in format #RRGGBB | #EAF39C | | Border width in pixel for the circle annotation | integer | 0 |
annotation.highlighttext.opacity | Opacity for the highlight annotation | float | 0.7 |
annotation.highlighttext.default.color | Color for the highlight annotation | Color, in format #RRGGBB | #EAF39C |
annotation.redact.default.opacity | Opacity for the redact annotation | float | 1.0 |
annotation.redact.default.color | Color for the redact annotation | Color, in format #RRGGBB | #000000 |
annotation.highlighttext.strike.width.ratio | Strike width ratio for underline - strike through annotations | float | 0.1 |
annotation.freetext.opacity | Opacity for the Freetext annotation | float | 0.7 |
annotation.freetext.minimum.width | Minimum width in pixel for the Freetext annotation | integer | 30 |
annotation.freetext.minimum.height | Minimum height in pixel for the Freetext annotation | integer | 10 |
annotation.freetext.default.color | Color for the Freetext annotation | Color, in format #RRGGBB | #EEEEEE |
annotation.freetext.default.border.color | Border color for the Freetext annotation | Color, in format #RRGGBB | #FF0000 |
annotation.freetext.default.border.width | Border width in pixel for the Freetext annotation | integer | 2 |
annotation.freetext.default.font.size | Font size in pixel | integer | 16 |
annotation.freetext.default.font.color | Font color | Color, in format #RRGGBB | #000000 |
annotation.freetext.default.font | Font family name | String | Helvetica |
annotation.freetext.adapt.font.size.enabled | Adapt font size according to the zoom ratio | boolean | false |
annotation.freetext.rotation.enabled | If true, freetext will rotate when rotating a page | boolean | false |
annotation.arrow.backgroundColor | Arrow annotation color | Color, in format rgb(r,g,b) | rgb(42, 72, 105) |
annotation.arrow.computeDistance | Allow arrows to measure distances | boolean | false |
annotation.arrow.minimal.head.size | Defines a minimal head size in pixel for arrows | integer | -1 |
annotation.arrow.x.defaultDistance | Defines a base distance for the head of arrow in X in pixel | integer | 12 |
annotation.arrow.y.defaultDistance | Defines a base distance for the head of arrow in Y in pixel | integer | 12 |
annotation.arrow.opacity | Defines arrow opacity | float | 1.0 |
annotation.arrow.border.width | Defines arrow border width | float | 4.0 |
annotation.arrow.head.type | Defines arrow head type. Possible values are : NONE, SQUARE, CIRCLE, DIAMOND, OPEN_ARROW, CLOSED_ARROW, BUTT, R_OPEN_ARROW, R_CLOSED_ARROW | String | OPEN_ARROW |
annotation.arrow.tail.type | Defines arrow tail type. Possible values are : NONE, SQUARE, CIRCLE, DIAMOND, OPEN_ARROW, CLOSED_ARROW, BUTT, R_OPEN_ARROW, R_CLOSED_ARROW | String | NONE |
annotation.arrow.measurement.head.type | Defines arrow measure head type. Possible values are : NONE, SQUARE, CIRCLE, DIAMOND, OPEN_ARROW, CLOSED_ARROW, BUTT, R_OPEN_ARROW, R_CLOSED_ARROW | String | BUTT |
annotation.arrow.measurement.tail.type | Defines arrow measure tail type. Possible values are : NONE, SQUARE, CIRCLE, DIAMOND, OPEN_ARROW, CLOSED_ARROW, BUTT, R_OPEN_ARROW, R_CLOSED_ARROW | String | BUTT | | Defines a degree of accuracy for the arrow displayed measure. The value is a power of ten (Examples : 1, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, etc..) | float | 0.01 |
annotation.polygon.opacity | Opacity for the polygon annotation | float | 0.7 |
annotation.polygon.backgroundColor | Color for the polygon annotation | Color, in format rgb(r,g,b) | rgb(42, 72, 105) |
annotation.polygon.width | Border width for the polygon annotation | float | 2.0f |
annotation.polygon.borderColor | Border color for the polygon annotation | Color, in format rgb(r,g,b) | rgb(42, 72, 105) |
annotation.polyline.opacity | Opacity for the polyline annotation | integer | 1 |
annotation.polyline.backgroundColor | Color for the polyline annotation | Color, in format rgb(r,g,b) | rgb(42, 72, 105) |
annotation.polyline.width | Border width for the polyline annotation | float | 2.0f | | Opacity for the freehand annotation | integer | 1 | | Color for the freehand annotation | Color, in format rgb(r,g,b) | rgb(42, 72, 105) | | Border width for the freehand annotation | float | 2.0f |
annotation.hyperlink.opacity | Opacity for the Hyperlink annotation | float | 0.5f |
annotation.hyperlink.default.color | Color for the Hyperlink annotation | Color, in format #RRGGBB | #0000FF | | Allow the hyperlink target to be an external document | boolean | true | | Define the time limitation (in ms) to display the hyperlink target elements | integer | 10000 |
annotation.hyperlink.use.legacy.creation | Set the legacy hyperlink creation. If true, the target page starts from index 1 otherwise it starts from index 0. | boolean | false | | If true, sound annotation will be displayed with media controls at creation | boolean | false |
annotation.sound.record.time.limit | Define the time limitation (in ms) for the record of sound annotation | integer | 60000 | | Allow stamps to be create in the current browser orientation (including document rotations) | boolean | false | | If true, create stamps relatively to the zoom. Otherwise stamps will always have the same size regardless of the current zoom | boolean | true |
annotation.stampCustom.enabled | Allow custom stamp to be created | boolean | true |
annotation.stampCustom.maxFavorite | Maximum of custom stamp allowed to be added in favorite | integer | 15 |
annotation.stampCustom.min.text.length | Set minimum text length allowed for the custom stamp | integer | 2 |
annotation.freetext.drag.widgets.on.edit | Auto activate the draggable widgets for the Freetext when in edition mode. | boolean | true |
annotation.rotation.windmillEffect.enabled | Stamp rotation effect in video mode (easter egg) | boolean | false |
annotation.loadPerPage | Annotations are loaded per page | boolean | false |
annotation.searchTextInAnnotations | When searching for text, also search within annotation content | boolean | true |
annotation.default.stroke.dasharray | Default dash array style when the border style is set to DASH | String | 5.0,2.0 | | Activate the info popup for annotations | boolean | true | | Activate the popup info for annotations who aren’t editable | boolean | false | | Display the last updated time for the annotation | boolean | false | | Display target icon when annotation is other than numbered sticky note, otherwise the annotation type icon | boolean | false |
annotation.comment.explorer.enabled | Activates the comment explorer for displaying annotation details | boolean | true |
annotation.comment.explorer.eastSide.enabled | Sets up the comment explorer on the east side of ARender | boolean | false |
annotation.comment.explorer.openOnEdit | Opens the comment explorer when an annotation is edited | boolean | false |
annotation.comment.explorer.animate.on.expand | Animate while expanding the comment explorer | boolean | true |
annotation.comment.explorer.showAllAnnotators | Shows a simplified list of all authors on the comment explorer tab | boolean | true |
annotation.comment.explorer.showTotalAnnotationsNumber | Shows a total number of annotations on the comment explorer tab | boolean | false |
annotation.comment.explorer.showAtStartup | Shows the comment explorer at startup of ARender as default pane | boolean | false |
annotation.comment.explorer.inline.enabled | Enable to display annotation in one line if needed | boolean | false | | By default, annotation in comment explorer will be displayed in one line. | boolean | false |
annotation.comment.explorer.filterPageAnnotations | If true, enable to also filter annotations in the page view | boolean | false |
annotation.comment.explorer.sortByIncrementDate | If true, set the sorting in increment otherwise in decrement date | boolean | true | | Allow the display of the date or not. By default, the date is displayed | boolean | true | | Display only the initials of the creator name if true. Full name is displayed if false | boolean | false | | Enable to display only one annotation per page. | boolean | false | | Display humanized date on comments and sticky notes | boolean | false | | If true, display creation date otherwise the last modified date on comments and sticky notes | boolean | true |
annotation.richtext.edition.doubleClick | If true, double click on the field text is required to enter in edition | boolean | false |
annotation.blendMode | Enables blend mode for annotations that support it | boolean | false |
property | Description | type | default |
arender.web.socket.enabled | Enables web socket and try to initiate the web socket if the browser web socket is available | boolean | true |
arender.pollLastVersion | Enables ARender version check | boolean | true |
arender.white.labeling | Remove any reference of ARender in the application | boolean | false | | Enable data analytics | boolean | true |
property | Description | type | default |
arenderjs.startupScript | ARenderJS Configuration : customization startup script URL | String | empty by default |
property | Description | type | default |
bookmarkexplorer.enabled | If true, enables the bookmark explorer | boolean | true |
bookmarkexplorer.showAtStartup | If true, show the bookmark explorer at the application startup | boolean | false |
bookmarkexplorer.draggable | If true, make the bookmarks draggable | boolean | false |
bookmarkexplorer.add.bookmark.enabled | If true, enables the bookmark creation | boolean | true |
bookmarkexplorer.delete.bookmark.enabled | If true, enables the bookmark deletion | boolean | true |
bookmarkexplorer.animation.enabled | If true, enables the bookmark animation | boolean | false |
property | Description | type | default |
bottomPanel.toggle.document.navigator.enabled | Enable the button to toggle the documentNavigator | boolean | false |
property | Description | type | default |
comment.showAnnotationImage | Shows in the comment explorer an icon of the annotation | boolean | true |
comment.textArea.maxHeight | Comment text area max height corresponds to the maximum height when expanding the text with the button “Show more”, in pixels | integer | 0 |
comment.contextStatusMenu.enabled | Enable contextual status menu will allow to right click on an comment annotation to add a status | boolean | false |
comment.multiple.thread.level.enabled | Enable multiple comment thread level display | boolean | false |
comment.richtext.shortcut.enabled | Enable richtext shortcut : [Enter] or [Esc] validate the annotation comment and [Shift]+[Enter] makes a new line | boolean | false |
comment.edit.annotation.onselection.enabled | Enable to enter in edition mode when clicking on a comment zone | boolean | true |
property | Description | type | default |
contextualMenu.enabled | Activates ARender contextual right click menu | boolean | true |
contextualMenu.icons.enabled | Activates ARender contextual icons mode | boolean | true |
contextualMenu.hasPrint | Enables the print option for the contextual menu | boolean | false |
contextualMenu.hasPrintAll | Enables the print all documents option for the contextual menu | boolean | false |
contextualMenu.hasStickyNote | Enables the create a sticky note option for the contextual menu | boolean | true |
contextualMenu.hasCropBoxImage | Enables the create a cropbox image from the contextual menu | boolean | false |
contextualMenu.hasHighlightText | Enables a textual highlight annotation creation option for the contextual menu | boolean | true |
contextualMenu.hasStrikeoutText | Enables a strike through annotation creation option for the contextual menu | boolean | true |
contextualMenu.hasUnderlineText | Enables an underline annotation creation option for the contextual menu | boolean | true |
contextualMenu.hasHighlight | Enables an highlight annotation creation option for the contextual menu | boolean | true |
contextualMenu.hasCircle | Enables a circle annotation creation option for the contextual menu | boolean | true |
contextualMenu.hasArrow | Enables an arrow annotation creation option for the contextual menu | boolean | true |
contextualMenu.hasPolygon | Enables a polygon annotation creation option for the contextual menu | boolean | false |
contextualMenu.hasPolyline | Enables a polyline annotation creation option for the contextual menu | boolean | false |
contextualMenu.hasFreehand | Enables a freehand annotation creation option for the contextual menu | boolean | false |
contextualMenu.hasPageRotation | Enables the rotate option for the contextual menu | boolean | false |
contextualMenu.hasMultiView | Enables the open multiview option for the contextual menu | boolean | false |
contextualMenu.hasShowGuideRuler | Enables the “show guide here” option for the contextual menu | boolean | false |
contextualMenu.hasHideGuideRuler | Enables the “hide guide ruler” option for the contextual menu | boolean | false |
contextualMenu.hasAnchor | Enables an anchor creation option for the contextual menu | boolean | true |
contextualMenu.hasStamp | Enables a stamp annotation creation option for the contextual menu | boolean | false |
contextualMenu.hasFreetext | Enables a freetext annotation creation option for the contextual menu | boolean | false |
property | Description | type | default |
date.format | Specify the date format for the annotations | String | dd/MM/yyyy, HH:mm |
property | Description | type | default |
document.vertical.slider.changeToPage.enabled | Enabling the scroll by step instead of jumping to page on the scrollUp and scrollDown button | boolean | false | | No description yet provided | boolean | true |
document.vertical.slider.use.legacy.scrollbar | True to use the browser native scrollbar | boolean | false |
document.vertical.slider.use.legacy.scrollbar.limit.pages | Set the number of document pages to use the legacy scrollbar otherwise use the ARender native one. For example, set to 1 : document with 1 page (or less) will use the native browser scrollbar | integer | 2 |
document.progressiveLoading | Activates the progressive loading of ARender front end side (the layout is asked by parts from the front end) | boolean | false |
document.loading.progress.update | Update and notify the end user to the progressive loading mechanisms | boolean | true |
property | Description | type | default |
documentbuilder.enabled | Enables the document builder button (and feature) | boolean | false |
documentbuilder.button.visible | Sets the document builder button visible | boolean | true |
documentbuilder.activateOnStartup | Activate the document builder at startup as soon as the documents are ready | boolean | false |
documentbuilder.hideDocumentNavigator | Hide the document navigator once the document builder is opened | boolean | true |
documentbuilder.displaySaveWarning | Display a save warning if a document with modifications is left when leaving ARender | boolean | true |
documentbuilder.thumbs.draggable | Make the document builder thumbnails draggable in order to organize the pages | boolean | true |
documentbuilder.width | Sets the document builder panel width | integer | 320 | | Sets the document builder default save button action | String | save | | Sets the document builder save behavior (legacy) : UPDATE_NO_DOCUMENT, CREATE_NEW_FIRST_DOCUMENT, UPDATE_FIRST_DOCUMENT, UPDATE_ALL_DOCUMENT | String | UPDATE_NO_DOCUMENT | | Activates the local download builder button | boolean | true | | Activates the delete current document from the builder button | boolean | false | | Once documents are built, a frozen title will remain and need to be manually removed to confirm the operation | boolean | true |
documentbuilder.addChild.enabled | Allow the document builder to create child documents (folders) | boolean | false |
documentbuilder.createDocument.enabled | Allow the document builder to create new documents (not only compose) | boolean | true |
documentbuilder.deleteSelectedThumbs.enabled | Activate the feature to delete on right click a list of selected thumbs | boolean | true |
documentbuilder.createDocumentFromSelectedThumbs.enabled | Activate the feature to create a new document from selected thumbs | boolean | true |
documentbuilder.close.enabled | Activate the contextual menu option to close the builder | boolean | true |
documentbuilder.button.legacySave.enabled | Activate the legacy save document builder button | boolean | false | | Activate the button : download the builder document locally | boolean | true |
documentbuilder.button.custom.enabled | Activate the button : run custom action on builder document | boolean | false | | Activate the button : download the builder document with annotation | boolean | false |
documentbuilder.button.updateAll.enabled | Activate the button : update all documents | boolean | false |
documentbuilder.button.createFirst.enabled | Activate the button : Create new first document | boolean | false |
documentbuilder.button.updateFirst.enabled | Activate the button : Update the document | boolean | false |
documentbuilder.button.saveAll.enabled | Activate the button : save all documents | boolean | false | | If active, the saveAll button will be always visible if enabled, even if documents are empty | boolean | false | | If active, the updateAll button will be always visible if enabled, even if documents are empty | boolean | false |
documentbuilder.populatorPolicy | Sets up the policy to populate the document builder : CopyCurrentDocument or EmptyDocument | String | CopyCurrentDocument |
documentbuilder.populatorPolicy.CopyCurrentDocument.flattenNodeHierarchy | Sets up the policy CopyCurrentDocument from the builder, does it need to flatten the documents indentation or not | boolean | true |
documentbuilder.button.hideUntilLoaded | Hides the document builder button until all documents have been loaded | boolean | true |
documentbuilder.afterDownload | Thumb navigator view behavior after processing a download in documentbuilder : hide, disable, nochange | String | hide |
documentbuilder.button.refresh.enabled | Activate the button : Refresh the document to its original state | boolean | true |
documentbuilder.button.document.removal.enabled | Enable the document removal button in the document builder | boolean | true | | Enable the red cross button for the page removal in the document builder | boolean | true | | Set the select for custom options in read only mode | boolean | false | | Activate local download action in the contextual menu | boolean | false | | Activate download document with annotations action in the contextual menu | boolean | false | | Activate the create first document action in the contextual menu | boolean | false | | Activate the update document action in the contextual menu | boolean | false | | Activate the delete document action in the contextual menu | boolean | false |
property | Description | type | default |
documentnavigator.width | Sets up the width (in pixel) of the document navigator (left tabs of ARender) | integer | 320 | | Sets up the width (in pixel) of the advanced search in the document navigator (left tabs of ARender) | integer | 400 |
documentnavigator.annotation.width | Sets up the width (in pixel) of the annotation in the document navigator (left tabs of ARender) | integer | 400 |
documentnavigator.redact.width | Sets up the width (in pixel) of the redact panel in the document navigator (left tabs of ARender) | integer | 400 |
documentnavigator.ears.hideTimerDelay | Sets up the time (in ms) to auto hide the arrow for maximizing or reducing the document navigator | integer | 100 |
documentnavigator.initialWidth | Sets up the default position of the document navigator tabs: Default, Reduced or Expanded | String | Default |
documentnavigator.expand.reduce.ratio | Default value set up to 70. The document navigator will take 70 percent of the screen. | integer | 70 |
property | Description | type | default |
error.warninDelay | Delay (in s) before showing the warning menu that the document might take time to process | integer | 10 |
error.hasDownloadButton | Allow the error menu to display a download link for the document | boolean | true |
error.hideErrorStack | Disable the error menu to display error stack traces (useful for debug/integration testing, not suitable for production) | boolean | true |
property | Description | type | default |
filter.comment.currentUser.enabled | Activates the button to filter annotations created by the current user | boolean | true |
property | Description | type | default |
html.plugin.enabled | Enables the html plugin, which allows to view html content directly in ARender, instead of the rendition of the html content | boolean | false |
property | Description | type | default |
hyperlinkexplorer.enabled | If true, enables the hyperlink explorer | boolean | true |
property | Description | type | default |
hyperlinks.loadInARender | Open hyperlinks into ARender instead of new window | boolean | false |
hyperlinks.loadFromPDF | Load hyperlinks coming from the PDF file | boolean | true |
hyperlinks.displayFrame | Display frame/blue box around hyperlinks if needed | boolean | true |
hyperlinks.load.internal | Hyperlinks contained from the PDF document will be loaded | boolean | true |
hyperlinks.load.external | Hyperlinks contained from the annotations will be loaded | boolean | true |
property | Description | type | default |
---|---|---|---| | Configures the target DPI for the pictures generated from the cropbox (base dpi is 72, default target is 150) | integer | 150 |
image.cropbox.window.position.left.px | Setup the position in pixel of the Left of the popup window | integer | 0 | | Setup the position in pixel of the Top of the popup window | integer | 0 |
image.cropbox.window.position.width.px | If superior to -1, will set the width of the popup window. If -1, will set to a “screen ratio” of the screen available space | integer | -1 |
image.cropbox.window.position.height.px | If superior to -1, will set the height of the popup window. If -1, will set to a “screen ratio” of the screen available space | integer | -1 |
image.cropbox.window.screen.ratio | Sets the screen ratio to use of available space for the width and height when they are set to -1 | integer | 3 |
image.cropbox.can.expand | If true, resizing the window will allow the expand of images (over their natural sizes) | boolean | true |
image.cropbox.include.annotations | If true, annotations will be on the cropbox | boolean | true |
property | Description | type | default |
layer.explorer.enabled | If true, enables the layer explorer | boolean | true |
layer.explorer.update.pages.timeout | Sets up the timer delay in Milliseconds before initiating the pages images update | integer | 500 |
property | Description | type | default |
mousewheel.speed.factor | Mousewheel velocity ratio factor, the higher the faster | float | 1.0 |
property | Description | type | default |
notifications.duration | Sets up the time, in milliseconds of ARender legacy notifications | integer | 500 |
property | Description | type | default |
plume.enabled | Enables Plume integration with ARender | boolean | false |
plume.url | Plume url | String | /plume |
property | Description | type | default |
preference.color.mode | Change the toppanel colors. Will NOT work on Internet Explorer. Authorized value : LEGACY, DARK, LIGHT, CUSTOM, DEUTERANOPIA, PROTANOPIA, TRITANOPIA | String | LIGHT |
property | Description | type | default |
print.renditionWidth | Width in pixels for the images used by the print as images feature | integer | 1200 |
print.imageStyle | Sets up the CSS print width size once rendered | String | width:800px; |
print.includeAnnotationsByDefault | Always check by default the “print with annotations” option | boolean | false |
print.forcePrintAnnotations | Force the print of annotations (cannot be unchecked) | boolean | false |
print.waterMarkActive | Activate the watermarking feature from the print menu | boolean | false |
print.usePDFPrint | Print using a PDF instead of a set of images, lowers total download size | boolean | true |
print.allDocumentsByDefault | Print by default all documents | boolean | false |
property | Description | type | default |
---|---|---|---| | Activates ARender quick contextual menu when text is selected | boolean | true | | Enables a textual highlight annotation creation option for the quick contextual menu | boolean | true | | Enables a strike through annotation creation option for the quick contextual menu | boolean | true | | Enables an underline annotation creation option for the quick contextual menu | boolean | true | | Enables a hyperlink creation option for the quick contextual menu | boolean | true | | Enables a hyperlink area creation option for the quick contextual menu | boolean | true | | Enables a redact annotation creation option for the quick contextual menu | boolean | true | | Enables a copy selected text option for the quick contextual menu | boolean | true |
property | Description | type | default |
redactexplorer.enabled | If true, enables the redact explorer | boolean | false |
redactexplorer.redact | Activate the redact annotation button | boolean | true |
redactexplorer.redactZone | Activate the redact annotation zone button | boolean | true |
redactexplorer.manualInput | Activate the manual input button | boolean | true |
redactexplorer.rules | Activate the rules button | boolean | true |
redactexplorer.redactPageContent | Activate the redact annotation for current page content button | boolean | true |
redactexplorer.redactFullPage | Activate the redact annotation for full current page button | boolean | true |
redactexplorer.redact.with.reasons | If true, the radio button “With reason” is selected | boolean | true |
property | Description | type | default |
rotation.ignoreForceReadOnly | Rotation annotations shall ignore force read only | boolean | false |
rotation.ignoreForceLocked | Rotation annotations shall ignore force locked | boolean | false |
property | Description | type | default |
shortCut.copy.enabled | Enables copy shortcut with CRTL+C | boolean | true |
shortCut.cut.enabled | Enables copy shortcut with CRTL+X | boolean | true |
shortCut.print.key | Configures a print key shortcut | String | p |
shortCut.print.enabled | Enables a print key shortcut | boolean | true |
property | Description | type | default |
shortcut.annotation.stickynote.key | Configures a key shortcut for stickynote creation. Allowed character are A to Z and 0 to 9 | integer | 1 |
shortcut.annotation.stickynote.enabled | Enables the shortcut for stickynote creation with CTRL + key | boolean | true |
shortcut.annotation.freetext.key | Configures a key shortcut for freetext creation. Allowed character are A to Z and 0 to 9 | integer | 2 |
shortcut.annotation.freetext.enabled | Enables the shortcut for freetext creation with CTRL + key | boolean | true |
shortcut.annotation.rectangle.key | Configures a key shortcut for highlight rectangle creation. Allowed character are A to Z and 0 to 9 | integer | 3 |
shortcut.annotation.rectangle.enabled | Enables the shortcut for highlight rectangle creation with CTRL + key | boolean | true | | Configures a key shortcut for circle creation. Allowed character are A to Z and 0 to 9 | integer | 4 | | Enables the shortcut for circle creation with CTRL + key | boolean | true |
shortcut.annotation.polygon.key | Configures a key shortcut for polygon creation. Allowed character are A to Z and 0 to 9 | integer | 5 |
shortcut.annotation.polygon.enabled | Enables the shortcut for polygon creation with CTRL + key | boolean | true |
shortcut.annotation.polyline.key | Configures a key shortcut for polyline creation. Allowed character are A to Z and 0 to 9 | integer | 6 |
shortcut.annotation.polyline.enabled | Enables the shortcut for polyline creation with CTRL + key | boolean | true |
shortcut.annotation.freehand.key | Configures a key shortcut for freehand creation. Allowed character are A to Z and 0 to 9 | integer | 7 |
shortcut.annotation.freehand.enabled | Enables the shortcut for freehand creation with CTRL + key | boolean | true |
shortcut.annotation.arrow.key | Configures a key shortcut for arrow creation. Allowed character are A to Z and 0 to 9 | integer | 8 |
shortcut.annotation.arrow.enabled | Enables the shortcut for arrow creation with CTRL + key | boolean | true |
shortcut.annotation.measure.key | Configures a key shortcut for arrow distance creation. Allowed character are A to Z and 0 to 9 | integer | 9 |
shortcut.annotation.measure.enabled | Enables the shortcut for arrow distance creation with CTRL + key | boolean | true |
shortcut.annotation.stamp.key | Configures a key shortcut for stamp creation. Allowed character are A to Z and 0 to 9 | integer | 0 |
shortcut.annotation.stamp.enabled | Enables the shortcut for stamp creation with CTRL + key | boolean | true |
property | Description | type | default |
startup.loading.label | Display the label when document starts to open | String | ARender |
property | Description | type | default |
style.sheet | Specify one or more comma-separated CSS file paths | String | css/arender-style.css |
property | Description | type | default |
text.selection.use.legacy | New text selection will select word by word when a word is partially/completely selected | boolean | true |
property | Description | type | default |
thumbexplorer.enabled | Activates the thumbExplorer : the view to browse the document by thumbnails | boolean | true |
thumbexplorer.indentation | Sets up the indentation of Thumbs, in pixels when they need to indent (child documents) | integer | 20 |
thumbexplorer.maxLevelToLoad | Sets up the maximum level of indentation | integer | 10 |
thumbexplorer.thumb.margin | Sets up the thumbs margin in pixels | integer | 5 |
thumbexplorer.thumb.width | Sets up the thumbs width in pixels | integer | 100 |
thumbexplorer.thumb.grow.min | Sets up the minimum amount of pixels needed for the pictree to grow in size | integer | 300 |
thumbexplorer.thumb.grow.increment | Sets up the growth increment once the thumbnail can grow | integer | 10 |
thumbexplorer.thumb.grow.ratio | Sets up the growth ratio corresponding to the growth of the panel | integer | 1 |
thumbexplorer.title.allowHTML | If true, allows thumbnails titles to have HTML content | boolean | false |
thumbexplorer.metadata | If true, thumbnails will display a popup information with document metadata | boolean | true |
thumbexplorer.layout.loading.delay | Sets up the delay in milliseconds to load the layout for the thumbnails | integer | 5 |
thumbexplorer.contextualMenu.createPageAnchor | Allows to create an URL anchor to a page from the thumbnails | boolean | true |
thumbexplorer.columns | Only applicable when the legacy UI is disabled: ui.legacy.enabled=false | integer | 2 |
property | Description | type | default |
timeline.panel.annotationBar.showResizeCircleButton | Display the resize button for the annotation timeline panel for videos | boolean | true |
timeline.panel.annotationBar.changeVideoCurrentTimeOnDrag.enabled | On drag of the annotations, update the video timer accordingly | boolean | true |
timeline.panel.openIfAnnotated | Opens the timeline panel if annotations are existing on the video | boolean | true |
timeline.panel.openOnEdit | Opens the timeline panel if an annotation is being edited on video | boolean | true |
property | Description | type | default |
toaster.log.severe.autoHide | Allows SEVERE toaster notifications to autohide | boolean | false |
toaster.log.warning.autoHide | Allows WARNING toaster notifications to autohide | boolean | true | | Allows INFO toaster notifications to autohide | boolean | true |
toaster.log.config.autoHide | Allows CONFIG toaster notifications to autohide | boolean | true |
toaster.log.fine.autoHide | Allows FINE toaster notifications to autohide | boolean | true |
toaster.log.finer.autoHide | Allows FINER toaster notifications to autohide | boolean | true |
toaster.log.finest.autoHide | Allows FINEST toaster notifications to autohide | boolean | true |
toaster.log.severe.enabled | Allows SEVERE toaster notifications to be displayed | boolean | true |
toaster.log.warning.enabled | Allows WARNING toaster notifications to be displayed | boolean | true | | Allows INFO toaster notifications to be displayed | boolean | true |
toaster.log.config.enabled | Allows CONFIG toaster notifications to be displayed | boolean | false |
toaster.log.fine.enabled | Allows FINE toaster notifications to be displayed | boolean | false |
toaster.log.finer.enabled | Allows FINER toaster notifications to be displayed | boolean | false |
toaster.log.finest.enabled | Allows FINEST toaster notifications to be displayed | boolean | false |
toaster.toast.timeout | Sets up the timeout for toaster notifications to be hidden | integer | 2000 |
toaster.toast.newestOnTop | If true, displays the newest toaster logs on top, if false, on the bottom | boolean | true |
property | Description | type | default |
toolbar.annotation.buttons.beanNames | The list of widgets to define (XML bean names) for the annotation toolbar | String | addStrikethroughTextAnnotationButton,addUnderlineTextAnnotationButton,addFreeTextAnnotationButton,addHighlightTextAnnotationButton,addHighlightRectangleAnnotationButton,addHighlightCircleAnnotationButton,addPolygonAnnotationButton,addPolylineAnnotationButton,addFreehandAnnotationButton,addArrowAnnotationButton,addArrowDistanceAnnotationButton,addStampAnnotationButton,addSoundAnnotationButton | | Allow to show the annotation toolbar with the dynamic widget container at startup | boolean | false |
toolbar.activateBorders | Allows from the toolbar to alter the borders of annotations | boolean | true |
toolbar.distance.physical.units | Base physical units. List of handled units : pt, px, in, mm, cm, dm, m, km, ml, yd, ft (NB: both physical and display units need to be the same) | String | in,cm,px |
toolbar.distance.display.units | Display distance units. List of handled units : pt, px, in, mm, cm, dm, m, km, ml, yd, ft (NB: both physical and display units need to be the same) | String | in,cm,px |
toolbar.distance.physical.value.enabled | Allow physical distance ratio value to be changed | boolean | false |
toolbar.distance.physical.display.units.sync | Allow physical and display distance units to be synchronized, changing physical unit will change the display unit | boolean | true |
toolbar.distance.display.units.alter.display.ratio.factor.enabled | Allow display units change to alter the display ratio value with its corresponding conversion factor | boolean | true |
toolbar.redact.locked | If true, all redact annotations will become locked once saved, and can no longer be edited | boolean | false |
toolbar.opacity.slider.enabled | Enables opacity slider for annotations that support it | boolean | true |
toolbar.richtext.hasSubscript | Enables subscript support in rich text | boolean | false |
toolbar.richtext.hasSuperscript | Enables superscript support in rich text | boolean | false |
toolbar.richtext.hasStrikeThrough | Enables strike through support in rich text | boolean | false |
toolbar.richtext.hasRemoveFormat | Enables the format removal of the selected in rich text | boolean | false |
toolbar.richtext.hasFonts | Enables fonts name support in rich text | boolean | true |
toolbar.richtext.hasFontSize | Enables font size support in rich text | boolean | true |
toolbar.richtext.hasFontColor | Enables font color support in rich text | boolean | true |
toolbar.richtext.hasUnderline | Enables underline support in rich text | boolean | true |
toolbar.richtext.hasBold | Enables bold support in rich text | boolean | true |
toolbar.richtext.hasItalic | Enables italic support in rich text | boolean | true |
toolbar.securityList.checkOwner | If true, the security list is only shown when the annotation belongs to the current user | boolean | true |
property | Description | type | default |
topPanel.widgets.beanNames | The list of widgets to define (XML bean names) for the top panel | String | topPanelLeftSection,topPanelMiddleSection,topPanelRightSection |
topPanel.upload.buttons.beanNames | The list of widgets to define (XML bean names) for the upload/print file dropdown | String | uploadButton,uploadURLButton,uploadXFDFButton | | The list of widgets to define (XML bean names) for the download file dropdown | String | downloadButton,downloadRootButton,downloadAllSourcesButton,downloadPdfButton,downloadAllButton,downloadWithRedactButton,downloadAnnotationsButton,downloadAnnotationsCSVButton,downloadXFDFAnnotationsButton,downloadFDFAnnotationsButton,downloadWithFDFAnnotationsButton,downloadWithCompareButton |
topPanel.ellipsis.buttons.beanNames | The list of widgets to define (XML bean names) for the static content of ellipsis (More button/hamburger button) | String | labelAbout, aboutButton | | The list of widgets to define (XML bean names) for the searchbox | String | searchBox |
topPanel.imageProcessing.buttons.vertical.beanNames | The list of widgets to define (XML bean names) for the image processing file sub-menu in vertical | String | brightnessSlider,contrastSlider,invertSlider |
topPanel.section.left.buttons.beanNames | The list of widgets to define (XML bean names) for the left section of the toppanel | String | importMenu,saveDirtyAnnotations,downloadMenu,printButton,plumeMenu,htmlPluginMenu |
topPanel.section.middle.buttons.beanNames | The list of widgets to define (XML bean names) for the middle section of the toppanel | String | addStickyNoteAnnotationButton,annotationCreationOpenCreation,documentBuilderButton,imageProcessingMenu,showAllAnnotationsButton,showAllAnnotationsAndRotationsButton,refreshAnnotation,docLinkDropdown |
topPanel.section.right.buttons.beanNames | The list of widgets to define (XML bean names) for the right section of the toppanel | String | firstPageButton,previousPageButton,pageNavigation,nextPageButton,lastPageButton,zoomBox,fullscreenButton,zoomSelectableDropdown,rotateSelectableDropdown,cropBoxButton,selectAllTextDocument,multiViewTools,searchSection |
topPanel.selectable.button.zoom.enabled | Enable the zoom selectable button of the toppanel | boolean | true |
topPanel.selectable.button.zoom.beanNames | The list of widgets to define (XML bean names) for the zoom selectable button of the toppanel | String | zoomFullWidth,zoomFullHeight,zoomFullPage,zoomInZone,zoomInZoneGlass |
topPanel.selectable.button.zoom.default.beanName | XML bean name for the default action selected for the zoom selectable button of the toppanel | String | zoomFullPage |
topPanel.selectable.button.rotate.enabled | Enable the rotate selectable button of the toppanel | boolean | true |
topPanel.selectable.button.rotate.beanNames | The list of widgets to define (XML bean names) for the rotate selectable button of the toppanel | String | rotateLeft,rotateRight,rotateAllLeft,rotateAllRight,rotateReset |
topPanel.selectable.button.rotate.default.beanName | XML bean name for the default action selected for the rotate selectable button of the toppanel | String | rotateRight |
topPanel.documentMenu | Activate the document sub-menu | boolean | true |
topPanel.cropbox.enabled | Activate the button for cropbox in the toppanel | boolean | false |
topPanel.lineHeadTailMenu | Change to false to remove line head options menu. | boolean | true |
topPanel.documentMenu.upload | Activate the upload file button | boolean | true |
topPanel.documentMenu.url | Activate the open url button | boolean | true | | Allow to use enter to validate the input URL from the URL button | boolean | true |
topPanel.documentMenu.xfdfUpload | Activate the top panel XFDF upload button | boolean | false | | Activate the top panel download document button | boolean | true | | Activate the top panel download composite document button | boolean | true | | The default behavior for download. Valid values : DOWNLOAD_SOURCE or DOWNLOAD_NON_PDF | String | DOWNLOAD_NON_PDF |
topPanel.documentMenu.downloadPDF | Activate the top panel button : download document as PDF | boolean | true |
topPanel.documentMenu.downloadAllSources | Activate the top panel button : download all current documents as original format in a ZIP | boolean | true |
topPanel.documentMenu.downloadAll | Activate the top panel button : download all current documents as a single PDF | boolean | true |
topPanel.documentMenu.downloadWithRedact | Activate the top panel button : download the current document with redact as PDF. If true, only displayed for allowed users | boolean | true |
topPanel.documentMenu.downloadAnnotation | Activate the top panel button : download the current document with annotations as PDF | boolean | true |
topPanel.documentMenu.downloadCSVAnnotations | Activate the top panel button : download the current document annotations as CSV | boolean | false |
topPanel.documentMenu.downloadWithFDFAnnotation | Activate the top panel button : download the current document with annotations as FDF | boolean | false |
topPanel.documentMenu.downloadXFDFAnnotations | Activate the top panel button : download the current document annotations as XFDF | boolean | false |
topPanel.documentMenu.downloadFDFAnnotations | Activate the top panel button : download the current document annotations as FDF | boolean | false | | Activate the top panel button : download the compared documents side by side with compare result on it | boolean | true |
topPanel.imageProcessMenu.enabled | Activate the image processing menu button | boolean | true |
topPanel.imageProcessMenu.brightness.enabled | Activate the brightness slider | boolean | true |
topPanel.imageProcessMenu.contrast.enabled | Activate the contrast slider | boolean | true |
topPanel.imageProcessMenu.invert.enabled | Activate the invert colors slider | boolean | true |
topPanel.imageProcessMenu.process.mode | Set how image processing is applied : CURRENT_PAGE, ALL_PAGES, ALL_DOCUMENTS | String | ALL_DOCUMENTS |
topPanel.subMenu.button.timeOut | REMOVED since version 4.7.0 Sets up the time in Milliseconds before the sub-menu buttons disappear | integer | 100 |
topPanel.subMenu.subPanel.timeOut | REMOVED since version 4.7.0 Sets up the time in Milliseconds before the sub-menu panel disappears | integer | 500 |
topPanel.print | Activate the print button in the topPanel | boolean | true |
topPanel.annotationMenu | Activate the annotation sub-menu | boolean | true |
topPanel.annotationMenu.stickyNote | Activate the sticky note annotation button | boolean | true |
topPanel.annotationMenu.freetext | Activate the freetext annotation button | boolean | true |
topPanel.annotationMenu.stickyNote.editable | Allow the sticky note to be edited | boolean | true |
topPanel.annotationMenu.highlight | Activate the highlight annotation button | boolean | true |
topPanel.annotationMenu.highlight.repeat | Activate the highlight annotation button, in repeat mode (does not cancel unless pressed again) | boolean | false |
topPanel.annotationMenu.arrow | Activate the arrow annotation button | boolean | true |
topPanel.annotationMenu.arrow.repeat | Activate the arrow annotation button, in repeat mode (does not cancel unless pressed again) | boolean | false |
topPanel.annotationMenu.arrow.measure | Activate the arrow measure annotation button | boolean | true |
topPanel.annotationMenu.arrow.measure.repeat | Activate the arrow measure annotation button, in repeat mode (does not cancel unless pressed again) | boolean | false |
topPanel.annotationMenu.polygon | Activate the polygon annotation button | boolean | true |
topPanel.annotationMenu.polygon.repeat | Activate the polygon annotation button, in repeat mode (does not cancel unless pressed again) | boolean | false |
topPanel.annotationMenu.polyline | Activate the polyline annotation button | boolean | true |
topPanel.annotationMenu.polyline.repeat | Activate the polyline annotation button, in repeat mode (does not cancel unless pressed again) | boolean | false |
topPanel.annotationMenu.freehand | Activate the freehand annotation button | boolean | true |
topPanel.annotationMenu.freehand.repeat | Activate the freehand annotation button, in repeat mode (does not cancel unless pressed again) | boolean | false |
topPanel.annotationMenu.highlightText | Activate the text highlight annotation button | boolean | false |
topPanel.annotationMenu.highlightText.repeat | Activate the text highlight annotation button, in repeat mode (does not cancel unless pressed again) | boolean | false |
topPanel.annotationMenu.underlineText | Activate the text underline annotation button | boolean | false |
topPanel.annotationMenu.underlineText.repeat | Activate the text underline annotation button, in repeat mode (does not cancel unless pressed again) | boolean | false |
topPanel.annotationMenu.strikethroughText | Activate the strikethrough text annotation button | boolean | false |
topPanel.annotationMenu.strikethroughText.repeat | Activate the strikethrough text annotation button, in repeat mode (does not cancel unless pressed again) | boolean | false | | Activate the circle annotation button | boolean | true | | Activate the circle annotation button, in repeat mode (does not cancel unless pressed again) | boolean | false |
topPanel.annotationMenu.stamp | Activate the stamp annotation button | boolean | true |
topPanel.annotationMenu.hide | Activate the hide annotations button | boolean | true |
topPanel.annotationMenu.hideAll | Activate the hide all annotations button (includes redact) | boolean | false |
topPanel.refresh | Activate the refresh annotations button | boolean | true |
topPanel.zoomBox | Activate the boxed zoom button | boolean | true |
topPanel.copy.document.text | Activate the copy all text of the document button | boolean | false |
topPanel.annotationMenu.sound | Activate the sound annotation button | boolean | false |
topPanel.pageNavigation.first | Activates the go to first page navigation button | boolean | true |
topPanel.pageNavigation.previous | Activates the go to previous page navigation button | boolean | true | | Activates the go to next page navigation button | boolean | true |
topPanel.pageNavigation.last | Activates the go to last page navigation button | boolean | true |
topPanel.zoom.fullWidth | Activates the zoom (full width of document) button | boolean | true |
topPanel.zoom.fullHeight | Activates the zoom (full height of document) button | boolean | true |
topPanel.zoom.fullPage | Activates the zoom (full page of document) button | boolean | true | | Activates the zoom in button | boolean | true |
topPanel.zoom.out | Activates the zoom out button | boolean | true | | Activates the zoom by zone button | boolean | true |
topPanel.zoom.zoneGlass | Activates the zoom (magnifying glass) button | boolean | false |
topPanel.zoom.zoneGlass.value | Sets the default zoom ratio for the magnifying glass | integer | 2 |
topPanel.rotation.left | Activates the rotate left button | boolean | true |
topPanel.rotation.right | Activates the rotate right button | boolean | true |
topPanel.rotation.all | Activates the rotate all pages buttons | boolean | false |
topPanel.rotation.reset | Activates the rotate left button | boolean | false | | Sets up the amount of rotation applied when pressing the rotation buttons | integer | 90 |
topPanel.rotation.add | Activates rotations sub-menu | boolean | true | | Activates the search in the top panel | boolean | true | | If true, default search behavior. Otherwise, open in the advanced search panel | boolean | false | | If true and is true, display search text results in the AdvancedSearchExplorer. | boolean | false | | If true, the “next result” search button will jump to the next result on the current visible page instead of resuming where you left the search | boolean | true |
topPanel.fullscreen | Activates the full screen button in the top panel | boolean | true |
topPanel.fullscreen.hideTopPanel | If true, full screen will hide the top panel totally | boolean | false |
topPanel.fullscreen.alwaysShowTopPanel | If true, the toppanel will always be visible in fullscreen and won’t hide | boolean | false |
topPanel.docLink | Enables the document linking dropdown button | boolean | false |
topPanel.selectable.button.docLink.beanNames | The list of widgets to define (XML bean names) for the document linking button | String | blueText,blueFrame |
topPanel.selectable.button.docLink.default.beanName | XML bean name for the default action selected for the document linking button | String | blueText |
property | Description | type | default |
ui.legacy.enabled | Enable the legacy UI (GWT), otherwise will use ReactJS components | boolean | true |
property | Description | type | default |
upload.file.openInNewWindow | Uploaded files should open in a new window of ARender | boolean | false |
property | Description | type | default |
visualization.mode | Visualization mode : Single, BookMode | String | Single |
visualization.reload.lower.quality | Reload lower quality images once the higher quality has been fetched (always load the perfect size, or save bandwidth) | boolean | false |
visualization.reload.minimum.width.change | Difference between the old image width and the new image width. Reload the image if difference is greater than this value. | float | 0.1 | | Difference between the old image width and the new image width. Reload the image if difference is greater than this value. | float | 200.0 | | Autoplay videos | boolean | true |
visualization.pagechange.mouse | Mousewheel can change a document page | boolean | false |
visualization.pagechange.animation | Do animation on page changes (with navigation buttons) | boolean | false |
visualization.pagecorner.enabled | Display a corner on the pages border, allowing to change pages | boolean | false |
visualization.pagecorner.animation | Animates the page corner | boolean | false |
visualization.fullscreen | Activates the full screen visualisation in ARender | boolean | false |
visualization.zoom.type | Sets up the default zoom type : Default, FullWidth, FullHeight, In, Out, Custom, FullPage | String | FullWidth |
visualization.zoom.value | Default Zoom value, in percent in case of custom zoom | integer | 100 |
visualization.zoom.animation | Animate on zoom | boolean | false | | Zoom according to the biggest page (width or height). Otherwise to the first page | boolean | true |
visualization.zoom.step | Zoom step value | float | 0.1 | | Allows rotations to be saved as annotation | boolean | false |
visualization.guideruler.enabled | Activate the ruler guide for ARender | boolean | false |
visualization.guideruler.height | Defines the height in pixel of the ruler guide | integer | 10 |
visualization.guideruler.increment | Defines the movement in height in pixel for the ruler guide | integer | 10 |
visualization.multiView.enabled | Allows documents to be viewed in multi documents | boolean | true |
visualization.multiView.direction | Defines the direction in which the multi view will open documents : horizontal or vertical | String | vertical |
visualization.multiView.doComparison | Allows to compare documents on start of ARender, when two documents or more are opened | boolean | false |
visualization.multiView.showOnStart | Show the multivew mode on start | boolean | false |
visualization.multiView.synchronized | Synchronize the scrolling of the views when in multiview | boolean | true |
visualization.multiView.focusOnClick | Force the user to click on the documents instead of mouse hovering to change on which document can be annotated | boolean | false |
visualization.multiView.header.timeoutMs | Timeout in milliseconds to auto hide the timer | integer | 5000 |
visualization.multiView.allow.scroll.document.change | Allow the vertical scrolling to change document while in multiview | boolean | false |
visualization.images.sharpen | Place a css on document images to undo some of the “optimisations” browser do to display images | boolean | false |
visualization.images.tolerance | Adapts the images width tolerance in pixel (received versus drawn on screen). | integer | 10 |
visualization.images.svg.preview | Enables or disables the SVG previews images | boolean | true |
visualization.pages.prefetch | Amount of pages to preload before they become visible | integer | 2 |
visualization.image.comparison.default.highlight.color | Setup the default image comparison highlight color. Highlight for the pixels difference | Color, in format #RRGGBB | #FF0000 |
visualization.image.comparison.default.lowlight.color | Setup the default image comparison lowlight color. Lowlight for the common pixels | String | none |
visualization.image.comparison.default.fuzz | Setup the default image comparison tolerance value. Value between 0 and 100. Value in percentage. | integer | 3 |
visualization.image.comparison.enabled | Enable the images comparison | boolean | true |
visualization.image.scheduled.timeoutMs | Timeout (in ms) before updating the image while resizing the image | integer | 500 |
visualization.maximumConcurrentImageFetching | Maximum number of document images to fetch simultaneously | integer | 8 |
visualization.nonVisiblePageTimeout | Cleanup images which where non-visible for a long time (ms) | integer | 120000 |
visualization.imageCleanupPeriod | Period at which images are cleaned (ms) | integer | 1500 |
visualization.maxImageCacheSize | Maximum number of images to store in the cleanup cache before LRU eviction occurs | integer | 20 |
property | Description | type | default |
window.maximize | Maximizes the ARender window | boolean | false |