

property Description type default
about.dialog.enabled No description yet provided boolean true
about.dialog.statistics.enable Disable/enable showing statistics in the about dialog box boolean true
about.dialog.statistics.table.enable Disable/enable showing table statistics in the about dialog box (removes as well the graph values) boolean true
about.dialog.statistics.charts.enable Disable/enable the charts in the statistics section pulls the library from google API (gwt charts) boolean false Displays the current version in the about dialog box boolean true Displays the current user in the about dialog box boolean true


property Description type default
advanced.searchexplorer.enabled If true, enables the advanced search explorer boolean true
advanced.searchexplorer.min.characterLength Sets up the minimum character length allowed integer 0
advanced.searchexplorer.max.characterLength Sets up the maximum character length allowed integer 255
advanced.searchexplorer.updates.enabled If true, search is updated on annotation refresh when the the advanced search explorer is active boolean false If true, the button for search and highlight is enabled boolean false


property Description type default
annotation.can.hide.redact If true, all redact annotations can be hidden using the regular hide annotations button boolean false
annotation.autosave Allows annotations to be automatically save after edition boolean false
annotation.autorefresh Auto refreshes the annotations after save boolean true
annotation.autosave.timerDelay Auto save annotation timer delay in milliseconds integer 1000
annotation.autosave.repeatMode.enabled If auto save is enabled, saving may be triggered when using annotation creation repeatable boolean false
annotation.loadingGIF When saving annotations, display the loading animation boolean true
annotation.loadExisting Load the existing document annotations on display boolean true
annotation.displaySaveWarning Display a warning to the end user when annotations are left unsaved boolean true
annotation.preferences.update.onEdit.enabled Allow annotation preferences update upon edition boolean false Use local storage for annotation preferences boolean false
annotation.forceReadOnly All saved annotations will be set to read only boolean false
annotation.forceLocked All saved annotations will be set to locked boolean false
annotation.comment.pictogram.enabled Display a pictogram near the commented annotation boolean true
annotation.stickyNote.opacity Opacity of the sticky note annotation float 1.0
annotation.stickyNote.minimum.width Minimum width in pixel of the sticky note annotation integer 250
annotation.stickyNote.minimum.height Minimum height in pixel of the sticky note annotation integer 170 Minimum sizes (width and height) according to zoom boolean true
annotation.stickyNote.content.edition.height.ratio The ratio of the content edition height according to the sticky note height float 0.7
annotation.stickyNote.default.color Color of the sticky note annotation Color, in format #RRGGBB #1865D8
annotation.stickyNote.hide.border Hide borders options of the sticky note annotation boolean true
annotation.stickyNote.hide.details Hide details of the sticky note annotation boolean false
annotation.stickyNote.default.font Font of the sticky note annotation String Helvetica
annotation.stickyNote.default.fontColor Font color of the sticky note annotation Color, in format #RRGGBB #000000
annotation.stickyNote.default.fontSize Font size of the sticky note annotation integer 2
annotation.stickyNote.default.bold Set the font bold by default for the sticky note annotation boolean false
annotation.stickyNote.default.underline Set the font underlined by default for the sticky note annotation boolean false
annotation.stickyNote.default.italic Set the font italic by default for the sticky note annotation boolean false
annotation.stickyNote.dotLink.enabled Enables a link between the pin and the note for sticky note boolean true Default pin size in pixel for the sticky note integer 20 INITIALS shows the initials of the creator in the pin. INDEX shows the index of the stickynote String INITIALS
annotation.stickyNote.can.hide.reply.button If true, reply button will hide when stickyNote text is empty boolean false
annotation.stickyNote.statusList.enabled Activates the status list drop down boolean true
annotation.stickyNote.action.buttons Allow the display of the label or not. ALWAYS = the label always appears. HOVER = the label appears when the buttons are hovered. NEVER = the label is never displayed String HOVER Allow the display of the date or not. By default, the date is displayed boolean true Display only the initials of the creator name if true. Full name is displayed if false String true;
annotation.stickyNote.outline StickyNote will be outlined in blue and the edition mode will not be activated when the icon in the comment explorer will be clicked boolean false
annotation.stickyNote.adapt.font.size.enabled Adapt sticky note font size according to the zoom ratio boolean false
annotation.stickyNote.reduce.all Reduce all sticky notes at document loading boolean false Auto hide delay in milliseconds for the annotation popups integer 300
annotation.popup.default.background.color Popup fallback background color when the annotation background color is empty Color, in format #RRGGBB #F6F6F6
annotation.rectangle.opacity Opacity for the rectangle annotation float 0.7
annotation.rectangle.minimum.width Minimum width in pixel for the rectangle annotation integer 30
annotation.rectangle.minimum.height Minimum height in pixel for the rectangle annotation integer 10
annotation.rectangle.default.color Color for the rectangle annotation Color, in format #RRGGBB #EAF39C
annotation.rectangle.default.border.color Border color for the rectangle annotation Color, in format #RRGGBB #EAF39C
annotation.rectangle.default.border.width Border width in pixel for the rectangle annotation integer 0 Opacity for the circle annotation float 0.7 Minimum width in pixel for the circle annotation integer 30 Minimum height for the circle annotation integer 10 Color for the circle annotation Color, in format #RRGGBB #EAF39C Border color for the circle annotation Color, in format #RRGGBB #EAF39C Border width in pixel for the circle annotation integer 0
annotation.highlighttext.opacity Opacity for the highlight annotation float 0.7
annotation.highlighttext.default.color Color for the highlight annotation Color, in format #RRGGBB #EAF39C
annotation.redact.default.opacity Opacity for the redact annotation float 1.0
annotation.redact.default.color Color for the redact annotation Color, in format #RRGGBB #000000
annotation.highlighttext.strike.width.ratio Strike width ratio for underline - strike through annotations float 0.1
annotation.freetext.opacity Opacity for the Freetext annotation float 0.7
annotation.freetext.minimum.width Minimum width in pixel for the Freetext annotation integer 30
annotation.freetext.minimum.height Minimum height in pixel for the Freetext annotation integer 10
annotation.freetext.default.color Color for the Freetext annotation Color, in format #RRGGBB #EEEEEE
annotation.freetext.default.border.color Border color for the Freetext annotation Color, in format #RRGGBB #FF0000
annotation.freetext.default.border.width Border width in pixel for the Freetext annotation integer 2
annotation.freetext.default.font.size Font size in pixel integer 16
annotation.freetext.default.font.color Font color Color, in format #RRGGBB #000000
annotation.freetext.default.font Font family name String Helvetica
annotation.freetext.adapt.font.size.enabled Adapt font size according to the zoom ratio boolean false
annotation.freetext.rotation.enabled If true, freetext will rotate when rotating a page boolean false
annotation.arrow.backgroundColor Arrow annotation color Color, in format rgb(r,g,b) rgb(42, 72, 105)
annotation.arrow.computeDistance Allow arrows to measure distances boolean false
annotation.arrow.minimal.head.size Defines a minimal head size in pixel for arrows integer -1
annotation.arrow.x.defaultDistance Defines a base distance for the head of arrow in X in pixel integer 12
annotation.arrow.y.defaultDistance Defines a base distance for the head of arrow in Y in pixel integer 12
annotation.arrow.opacity Defines arrow opacity float 1.0
annotation.arrow.border.width Defines arrow border width float 4.0
annotation.arrow.head.type Defines arrow head type. Possible values are : NONE, SQUARE, CIRCLE, DIAMOND, OPEN_ARROW, CLOSED_ARROW, BUTT, R_OPEN_ARROW, R_CLOSED_ARROW String OPEN_ARROW
annotation.arrow.tail.type Defines arrow tail type. Possible values are : NONE, SQUARE, CIRCLE, DIAMOND, OPEN_ARROW, CLOSED_ARROW, BUTT, R_OPEN_ARROW, R_CLOSED_ARROW String NONE
annotation.arrow.measurement.head.type Defines arrow measure head type. Possible values are : NONE, SQUARE, CIRCLE, DIAMOND, OPEN_ARROW, CLOSED_ARROW, BUTT, R_OPEN_ARROW, R_CLOSED_ARROW String BUTT
annotation.arrow.measurement.tail.type Defines arrow measure tail type. Possible values are : NONE, SQUARE, CIRCLE, DIAMOND, OPEN_ARROW, CLOSED_ARROW, BUTT, R_OPEN_ARROW, R_CLOSED_ARROW String BUTT Defines a degree of accuracy for the arrow displayed measure. The value is a power of ten (Examples : 1, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, etc..) float 0.01
annotation.polygon.opacity Opacity for the polygon annotation float 0.7
annotation.polygon.backgroundColor Color for the polygon annotation Color, in format rgb(r,g,b) rgb(42, 72, 105)
annotation.polygon.width Border width for the polygon annotation float 2.0f
annotation.polygon.borderColor Border color for the polygon annotation Color, in format rgb(r,g,b) rgb(42, 72, 105)
annotation.polyline.opacity Opacity for the polyline annotation integer 1
annotation.polyline.backgroundColor Color for the polyline annotation Color, in format rgb(r,g,b) rgb(42, 72, 105)
annotation.polyline.width Border width for the polyline annotation float 2.0f Opacity for the freehand annotation integer 1 Color for the freehand annotation Color, in format rgb(r,g,b) rgb(42, 72, 105) Border width for the freehand annotation float 2.0f
annotation.hyperlink.opacity Opacity for the Hyperlink annotation float 0.5f
annotation.hyperlink.default.color Color for the Hyperlink annotation Color, in format #RRGGBB #0000FF Allow the hyperlink target to be an external document boolean true Define the time limitation (in ms) to display the hyperlink target elements integer 10000
annotation.hyperlink.use.legacy.creation Set the legacy hyperlink creation. If true, the target page starts from index 1 otherwise it starts from index 0. boolean false If true, sound annotation will be displayed with media controls at creation boolean false
annotation.sound.record.time.limit Define the time limitation (in ms) for the record of sound annotation integer 60000 Allow stamps to be create in the current browser orientation (including document rotations) boolean false If true, create stamps relatively to the zoom. Otherwise stamps will always have the same size regardless of the current zoom boolean true
annotation.stampCustom.enabled Allow custom stamp to be created boolean true
annotation.stampCustom.maxFavorite Maximum of custom stamp allowed to be added in favorite integer 15
annotation.stampCustom.min.text.length Set minimum text length allowed for the custom stamp integer 2
annotation.freetext.drag.widgets.on.edit Auto activate the draggable widgets for the Freetext when in edition mode. boolean true
annotation.rotation.windmillEffect.enabled Stamp rotation effect in video mode (easter egg) boolean false
annotation.loadPerPage Annotations are loaded per page boolean false
annotation.searchTextInAnnotations When searching for text, also search within annotation content boolean true
annotation.default.stroke.dasharray Default dash array style when the border style is set to DASH String 5.0,2.0 Activate the info popup for annotations boolean true Activate the popup info for annotations who aren’t editable boolean false Display the last updated time for the annotation boolean false Display target icon when annotation is other than numbered sticky note, otherwise the annotation type icon boolean false
annotation.comment.explorer.enabled Activates the comment explorer for displaying annotation details boolean true
annotation.comment.explorer.eastSide.enabled Sets up the comment explorer on the east side of ARender boolean false
annotation.comment.explorer.openOnEdit Opens the comment explorer when an annotation is edited boolean false
annotation.comment.explorer.animate.on.expand Animate while expanding the comment explorer boolean true
annotation.comment.explorer.showAllAnnotators Shows a simplified list of all authors on the comment explorer tab boolean true
annotation.comment.explorer.showTotalAnnotationsNumber Shows a total number of annotations on the comment explorer tab boolean false
annotation.comment.explorer.showAtStartup Shows the comment explorer at startup of ARender as default pane boolean false
annotation.comment.explorer.inline.enabled Enable to display annotation in one line if needed boolean false By default, annotation in comment explorer will be displayed in one line. boolean false
annotation.comment.explorer.filterPageAnnotations If true, enable to also filter annotations in the page view boolean false
annotation.comment.explorer.sortByIncrementDate If true, set the sorting in increment otherwise in decrement date boolean true Allow the display of the date or not. By default, the date is displayed boolean true Display only the initials of the creator name if true. Full name is displayed if false boolean false Enable to display only one annotation per page. boolean false Display humanized date on comments and sticky notes boolean false If true, display creation date otherwise the last modified date on comments and sticky notes boolean true
annotation.richtext.edition.doubleClick If true, double click on the field text is required to enter in edition boolean false
annotation.blendMode Enables blend mode for annotations that support it boolean false


property Description type default
arender.web.socket.enabled Enables web socket and try to initiate the web socket if the browser web socket is available boolean true
arender.pollLastVersion Enables ARender version check boolean true
arender.white.labeling Remove any reference of ARender in the application boolean false Enable data analytics boolean true


property Description type default
arenderjs.startupScript ARenderJS Configuration : customization startup script URL String empty by default


property Description type default
bookmarkexplorer.enabled If true, enables the bookmark explorer boolean true
bookmarkexplorer.showAtStartup If true, show the bookmark explorer at the application startup boolean false
bookmarkexplorer.draggable If true, make the bookmarks draggable boolean false
bookmarkexplorer.add.bookmark.enabled If true, enables the bookmark creation boolean true
bookmarkexplorer.delete.bookmark.enabled If true, enables the bookmark deletion boolean true
bookmarkexplorer.animation.enabled If true, enables the bookmark animation boolean false


property Description type default
bottomPanel.toggle.document.navigator.enabled Enable the button to toggle the documentNavigator boolean false


property Description type default
comment.showAnnotationImage Shows in the comment explorer an icon of the annotation boolean true
comment.textArea.maxHeight Comment text area max height corresponds to the maximum height when expanding the text with the button “Show more”, in pixels integer 0
comment.contextStatusMenu.enabled Enable contextual status menu will allow to right click on an comment annotation to add a status boolean false
comment.multiple.thread.level.enabled Enable multiple comment thread level display boolean false
comment.richtext.shortcut.enabled Enable richtext shortcut : [Enter] or [Esc] validate the annotation comment and [Shift]+[Enter] makes a new line boolean false
comment.edit.annotation.onselection.enabled Enable to enter in edition mode when clicking on a comment zone boolean true


property Description type default
contextualMenu.enabled Activates ARender contextual right click menu boolean true
contextualMenu.icons.enabled Activates ARender contextual icons mode boolean true
contextualMenu.hasPrint Enables the print option for the contextual menu boolean false
contextualMenu.hasPrintAll Enables the print all documents option for the contextual menu boolean false
contextualMenu.hasStickyNote Enables the create a sticky note option for the contextual menu boolean true
contextualMenu.hasCropBoxImage Enables the create a cropbox image from the contextual menu boolean false
contextualMenu.hasHighlightText Enables a textual highlight annotation creation option for the contextual menu boolean true
contextualMenu.hasStrikeoutText Enables a strike through annotation creation option for the contextual menu boolean true
contextualMenu.hasUnderlineText Enables an underline annotation creation option for the contextual menu boolean true
contextualMenu.hasHighlight Enables an highlight annotation creation option for the contextual menu boolean true
contextualMenu.hasCircle Enables a circle annotation creation option for the contextual menu boolean true
contextualMenu.hasArrow Enables an arrow annotation creation option for the contextual menu boolean true
contextualMenu.hasPolygon Enables a polygon annotation creation option for the contextual menu boolean false
contextualMenu.hasPolyline Enables a polyline annotation creation option for the contextual menu boolean false
contextualMenu.hasFreehand Enables a freehand annotation creation option for the contextual menu boolean false
contextualMenu.hasPageRotation Enables the rotate option for the contextual menu boolean false
contextualMenu.hasMultiView Enables the open multiview option for the contextual menu boolean false
contextualMenu.hasShowGuideRuler Enables the “show guide here” option for the contextual menu boolean false
contextualMenu.hasHideGuideRuler Enables the “hide guide ruler” option for the contextual menu boolean false
contextualMenu.hasAnchor Enables an anchor creation option for the contextual menu boolean true
contextualMenu.hasStamp Enables a stamp annotation creation option for the contextual menu boolean false
contextualMenu.hasFreetext Enables a freetext annotation creation option for the contextual menu boolean false


property Description type default
date.format Specify the date format for the annotations String dd/MM/yyyy, HH:mm


property Description type default
document.vertical.slider.changeToPage.enabled Enabling the scroll by step instead of jumping to page on the scrollUp and scrollDown button boolean false No description yet provided boolean true
document.vertical.slider.use.legacy.scrollbar True to use the browser native scrollbar boolean false
document.vertical.slider.use.legacy.scrollbar.limit.pages Set the number of document pages to use the legacy scrollbar otherwise use the ARender native one. For example, set to 1 : document with 1 page (or less) will use the native browser scrollbar integer 2
document.progressiveLoading Activates the progressive loading of ARender front end side (the layout is asked by parts from the front end) boolean false
document.loading.progress.update Update and notify the end user to the progressive loading mechanisms boolean true


property Description type default
documentbuilder.enabled Enables the document builder button (and feature) boolean false
documentbuilder.button.visible Sets the document builder button visible boolean true
documentbuilder.activateOnStartup Activate the document builder at startup as soon as the documents are ready boolean false
documentbuilder.hideDocumentNavigator Hide the document navigator once the document builder is opened boolean true
documentbuilder.displaySaveWarning Display a save warning if a document with modifications is left when leaving ARender boolean true
documentbuilder.thumbs.draggable Make the document builder thumbnails draggable in order to organize the pages boolean true
documentbuilder.width Sets the document builder panel width integer 320 Sets the document builder default save button action String save Sets the document builder save behavior (legacy) : UPDATE_NO_DOCUMENT, CREATE_NEW_FIRST_DOCUMENT, UPDATE_FIRST_DOCUMENT, UPDATE_ALL_DOCUMENT String UPDATE_NO_DOCUMENT Activates the local download builder button boolean true Activates the delete current document from the builder button boolean false Once documents are built, a frozen title will remain and need to be manually removed to confirm the operation boolean true
documentbuilder.addChild.enabled Allow the document builder to create child documents (folders) boolean false
documentbuilder.createDocument.enabled Allow the document builder to create new documents (not only compose) boolean true
documentbuilder.deleteSelectedThumbs.enabled Activate the feature to delete on right click a list of selected thumbs boolean true
documentbuilder.createDocumentFromSelectedThumbs.enabled Activate the feature to create a new document from selected thumbs boolean true
documentbuilder.close.enabled Activate the contextual menu option to close the builder boolean true
documentbuilder.button.legacySave.enabled Activate the legacy save document builder button boolean false Activate the button : download the builder document locally boolean true
documentbuilder.button.custom.enabled Activate the button : run custom action on builder document boolean false Activate the button : download the builder document with annotation boolean false
documentbuilder.button.updateAll.enabled Activate the button : update all documents boolean false
documentbuilder.button.createFirst.enabled Activate the button : Create new first document boolean false
documentbuilder.button.updateFirst.enabled Activate the button : Update the document boolean false
documentbuilder.button.saveAll.enabled Activate the button : save all documents boolean false If active, the saveAll button will be always visible if enabled, even if documents are empty boolean false If active, the updateAll button will be always visible if enabled, even if documents are empty boolean false
documentbuilder.populatorPolicy Sets up the policy to populate the document builder : CopyCurrentDocument or EmptyDocument String CopyCurrentDocument
documentbuilder.populatorPolicy.CopyCurrentDocument.flattenNodeHierarchy Sets up the policy CopyCurrentDocument from the builder, does it need to flatten the documents indentation or not boolean true
documentbuilder.button.hideUntilLoaded Hides the document builder button until all documents have been loaded boolean true
documentbuilder.afterDownload Thumb navigator view behavior after processing a download in documentbuilder : hide, disable, nochange String hide
documentbuilder.button.refresh.enabled Activate the button : Refresh the document to its original state boolean true
documentbuilder.button.document.removal.enabled Enable the document removal button in the document builder boolean true Enable the red cross button for the page removal in the document builder boolean true Set the select for custom options in read only mode boolean false Activate local download action in the contextual menu boolean false Activate download document with annotations action in the contextual menu boolean false Activate the create first document action in the contextual menu boolean false Activate the update document action in the contextual menu boolean false Activate the delete document action in the contextual menu boolean false


property Description type default
documentnavigator.width Sets up the width (in pixel) of the document navigator (left tabs of ARender) integer 320 Sets up the width (in pixel) of the advanced search in the document navigator (left tabs of ARender) integer 400
documentnavigator.annotation.width Sets up the width (in pixel) of the annotation in the document navigator (left tabs of ARender) integer 400
documentnavigator.redact.width Sets up the width (in pixel) of the redact panel in the document navigator (left tabs of ARender) integer 400
documentnavigator.ears.hideTimerDelay Sets up the time (in ms) to auto hide the arrow for maximizing or reducing the document navigator integer 100
documentnavigator.initialWidth Sets up the default position of the document navigator tabs: Default, Reduced or Expanded String Default
documentnavigator.expand.reduce.ratio Default value set up to 70. The document navigator will take 70 percent of the screen. integer 70


property Description type default
error.warninDelay Delay (in s) before showing the warning menu that the document might take time to process integer 10
error.hasDownloadButton Allow the error menu to display a download link for the document boolean true
error.hideErrorStack Disable the error menu to display error stack traces (useful for debug/integration testing, not suitable for production) boolean true


property Description type default
filter.comment.currentUser.enabled Activates the button to filter annotations created by the current user boolean true


property Description type default
html.plugin.enabled Enables the html plugin, which allows to view html content directly in ARender, instead of the rendition of the html content boolean false


property Description type default
hyperlinkexplorer.enabled If true, enables the hyperlink explorer boolean true
property Description type default
hyperlinks.loadInARender Open hyperlinks into ARender instead of new window boolean false
hyperlinks.loadFromPDF Load hyperlinks coming from the PDF file boolean true
hyperlinks.displayFrame Display frame/blue box around hyperlinks if needed boolean true
hyperlinks.load.internal Hyperlinks contained from the PDF document will be loaded boolean true
hyperlinks.load.external Hyperlinks contained from the annotations will be loaded boolean true


property Description type default Configures the target DPI for the pictures generated from the cropbox (base dpi is 72, default target is 150) integer 150
image.cropbox.window.position.left.px Setup the position in pixel of the Left of the popup window integer 0 Setup the position in pixel of the Top of the popup window integer 0
image.cropbox.window.position.width.px If superior to -1, will set the width of the popup window. If -1, will set to a “screen ratio” of the screen available space integer -1
image.cropbox.window.position.height.px If superior to -1, will set the height of the popup window. If -1, will set to a “screen ratio” of the screen available space integer -1
image.cropbox.window.screen.ratio Sets the screen ratio to use of available space for the width and height when they are set to -1 integer 3
image.cropbox.can.expand If true, resizing the window will allow the expand of images (over their natural sizes) boolean true
image.cropbox.include.annotations If true, annotations will be on the cropbox boolean true


property Description type default
layer.explorer.enabled If true, enables the layer explorer boolean true
layer.explorer.update.pages.timeout Sets up the timer delay in Milliseconds before initiating the pages images update integer 500


property Description type default
mousewheel.speed.factor Mousewheel velocity ratio factor, the higher the faster float 1.0


property Description type default
notifications.duration Sets up the time, in milliseconds of ARender legacy notifications integer 500


property Description type default
plume.enabled Enables Plume integration with ARender boolean false
plume.url Plume url String /plume


property Description type default
preference.color.mode Change the toppanel colors. Will NOT work on Internet Explorer. Authorized value : LEGACY, DARK, LIGHT, CUSTOM, DEUTERANOPIA, PROTANOPIA, TRITANOPIA String LIGHT


property Description type default
print.renditionWidth Width in pixels for the images used by the print as images feature integer 1200
print.imageStyle Sets up the CSS print width size once rendered String width:800px;
print.includeAnnotationsByDefault Always check by default the “print with annotations” option boolean false
print.forcePrintAnnotations Force the print of annotations (cannot be unchecked) boolean false
print.waterMarkActive Activate the watermarking feature from the print menu boolean false
print.usePDFPrint Print using a PDF instead of a set of images, lowers total download size boolean true
print.allDocumentsByDefault Print by default all documents boolean false


property Description type default Activates ARender quick contextual menu when text is selected boolean true Enables a textual highlight annotation creation option for the quick contextual menu boolean true Enables a strike through annotation creation option for the quick contextual menu boolean true Enables an underline annotation creation option for the quick contextual menu boolean true Enables a hyperlink creation option for the quick contextual menu boolean true Enables a hyperlink area creation option for the quick contextual menu boolean true Enables a redact annotation creation option for the quick contextual menu boolean true Enables a copy selected text option for the quick contextual menu boolean true


property Description type default
redactexplorer.enabled If true, enables the redact explorer boolean false
redactexplorer.redact Activate the redact annotation button boolean true
redactexplorer.redactZone Activate the redact annotation zone button boolean true
redactexplorer.manualInput Activate the manual input button boolean true
redactexplorer.rules Activate the rules button boolean true
redactexplorer.redactPageContent Activate the redact annotation for current page content button boolean true
redactexplorer.redactFullPage Activate the redact annotation for full current page button boolean true
redactexplorer.redact.with.reasons If true, the radio button “With reason” is selected boolean true


property Description type default
rotation.ignoreForceReadOnly Rotation annotations shall ignore force read only boolean false
rotation.ignoreForceLocked Rotation annotations shall ignore force locked boolean false


property Description type default
shortCut.copy.enabled Enables copy shortcut with CRTL+C boolean true
shortCut.cut.enabled Enables copy shortcut with CRTL+X boolean true
shortCut.print.key Configures a print key shortcut String p
shortCut.print.enabled Enables a print key shortcut boolean true


property Description type default
shortcut.annotation.stickynote.key Configures a key shortcut for stickynote creation. Allowed character are A to Z and 0 to 9 integer 1
shortcut.annotation.stickynote.enabled Enables the shortcut for stickynote creation with CTRL + key boolean true
shortcut.annotation.freetext.key Configures a key shortcut for freetext creation. Allowed character are A to Z and 0 to 9 integer 2
shortcut.annotation.freetext.enabled Enables the shortcut for freetext creation with CTRL + key boolean true
shortcut.annotation.rectangle.key Configures a key shortcut for highlight rectangle creation. Allowed character are A to Z and 0 to 9 integer 3
shortcut.annotation.rectangle.enabled Enables the shortcut for highlight rectangle creation with CTRL + key boolean true Configures a key shortcut for circle creation. Allowed character are A to Z and 0 to 9 integer 4 Enables the shortcut for circle creation with CTRL + key boolean true
shortcut.annotation.polygon.key Configures a key shortcut for polygon creation. Allowed character are A to Z and 0 to 9 integer 5
shortcut.annotation.polygon.enabled Enables the shortcut for polygon creation with CTRL + key boolean true
shortcut.annotation.polyline.key Configures a key shortcut for polyline creation. Allowed character are A to Z and 0 to 9 integer 6
shortcut.annotation.polyline.enabled Enables the shortcut for polyline creation with CTRL + key boolean true
shortcut.annotation.freehand.key Configures a key shortcut for freehand creation. Allowed character are A to Z and 0 to 9 integer 7
shortcut.annotation.freehand.enabled Enables the shortcut for freehand creation with CTRL + key boolean true
shortcut.annotation.arrow.key Configures a key shortcut for arrow creation. Allowed character are A to Z and 0 to 9 integer 8
shortcut.annotation.arrow.enabled Enables the shortcut for arrow creation with CTRL + key boolean true
shortcut.annotation.measure.key Configures a key shortcut for arrow distance creation. Allowed character are A to Z and 0 to 9 integer 9
shortcut.annotation.measure.enabled Enables the shortcut for arrow distance creation with CTRL + key boolean true
shortcut.annotation.stamp.key Configures a key shortcut for stamp creation. Allowed character are A to Z and 0 to 9 integer 0
shortcut.annotation.stamp.enabled Enables the shortcut for stamp creation with CTRL + key boolean true


property Description type default
startup.loading.label Display the label when document starts to open String ARender


property Description type default
style.sheet Specify one or more comma-separated CSS file paths String css/arender-style.css


property Description type default
text.selection.use.legacy New text selection will select word by word when a word is partially/completely selected boolean true


property Description type default
thumbexplorer.enabled Activates the thumbExplorer : the view to browse the document by thumbnails boolean true
thumbexplorer.indentation Sets up the indentation of Thumbs, in pixels when they need to indent (child documents) integer 20
thumbexplorer.maxLevelToLoad Sets up the maximum level of indentation integer 10
thumbexplorer.thumb.margin Sets up the thumbs margin in pixels integer 5
thumbexplorer.thumb.width Sets up the thumbs width in pixels integer 100
thumbexplorer.thumb.grow.min Sets up the minimum amount of pixels needed for the pictree to grow in size integer 300
thumbexplorer.thumb.grow.increment Sets up the growth increment once the thumbnail can grow integer 10
thumbexplorer.thumb.grow.ratio Sets up the growth ratio corresponding to the growth of the panel integer 1
thumbexplorer.title.allowHTML If true, allows thumbnails titles to have HTML content boolean false
thumbexplorer.metadata If true, thumbnails will display a popup information with document metadata boolean true
thumbexplorer.layout.loading.delay Sets up the delay in milliseconds to load the layout for the thumbnails integer 5
thumbexplorer.contextualMenu.createPageAnchor Allows to create an URL anchor to a page from the thumbnails boolean true
thumbexplorer.columns Only applicable when the legacy UI is disabled: ui.legacy.enabled=false integer 2


property Description type default
timeline.panel.annotationBar.showResizeCircleButton Display the resize button for the annotation timeline panel for videos boolean true
timeline.panel.annotationBar.changeVideoCurrentTimeOnDrag.enabled On drag of the annotations, update the video timer accordingly boolean true
timeline.panel.openIfAnnotated Opens the timeline panel if annotations are existing on the video boolean true
timeline.panel.openOnEdit Opens the timeline panel if an annotation is being edited on video boolean true


property Description type default
toaster.log.severe.autoHide Allows SEVERE toaster notifications to autohide boolean false
toaster.log.warning.autoHide Allows WARNING toaster notifications to autohide boolean true Allows INFO toaster notifications to autohide boolean true
toaster.log.config.autoHide Allows CONFIG toaster notifications to autohide boolean true
toaster.log.fine.autoHide Allows FINE toaster notifications to autohide boolean true
toaster.log.finer.autoHide Allows FINER toaster notifications to autohide boolean true
toaster.log.finest.autoHide Allows FINEST toaster notifications to autohide boolean true
toaster.log.severe.enabled Allows SEVERE toaster notifications to be displayed boolean true
toaster.log.warning.enabled Allows WARNING toaster notifications to be displayed boolean true Allows INFO toaster notifications to be displayed boolean true
toaster.log.config.enabled Allows CONFIG toaster notifications to be displayed boolean false
toaster.log.fine.enabled Allows FINE toaster notifications to be displayed boolean false
toaster.log.finer.enabled Allows FINER toaster notifications to be displayed boolean false
toaster.log.finest.enabled Allows FINEST toaster notifications to be displayed boolean false
toaster.toast.timeout Sets up the timeout for toaster notifications to be hidden integer 2000
toaster.toast.newestOnTop If true, displays the newest toaster logs on top, if false, on the bottom boolean true


property Description type default
toolbar.annotation.buttons.beanNames The list of widgets to define (XML bean names) for the annotation toolbar String addStrikethroughTextAnnotationButton,addUnderlineTextAnnotationButton,addFreeTextAnnotationButton,addHighlightTextAnnotationButton,addHighlightRectangleAnnotationButton,addHighlightCircleAnnotationButton,addPolygonAnnotationButton,addPolylineAnnotationButton,addFreehandAnnotationButton,addArrowAnnotationButton,addArrowDistanceAnnotationButton,addStampAnnotationButton,addSoundAnnotationButton Allow to show the annotation toolbar with the dynamic widget container at startup boolean false
toolbar.activateBorders Allows from the toolbar to alter the borders of annotations boolean true
toolbar.distance.physical.units Base physical units. List of handled units : pt, px, in, mm, cm, dm, m, km, ml, yd, ft (NB: both physical and display units need to be the same) String in,cm,px
toolbar.distance.display.units Display distance units. List of handled units : pt, px, in, mm, cm, dm, m, km, ml, yd, ft (NB: both physical and display units need to be the same) String in,cm,px
toolbar.distance.physical.value.enabled Allow physical distance ratio value to be changed boolean false
toolbar.distance.physical.display.units.sync Allow physical and display distance units to be synchronized, changing physical unit will change the display unit boolean true
toolbar.distance.display.units.alter.display.ratio.factor.enabled Allow display units change to alter the display ratio value with its corresponding conversion factor boolean true
toolbar.redact.locked If true, all redact annotations will become locked once saved, and can no longer be edited boolean false
toolbar.opacity.slider.enabled Enables opacity slider for annotations that support it boolean true
toolbar.richtext.hasSubscript Enables subscript support in rich text boolean false
toolbar.richtext.hasSuperscript Enables superscript support in rich text boolean false
toolbar.richtext.hasStrikeThrough Enables strike through support in rich text boolean false
toolbar.richtext.hasRemoveFormat Enables the format removal of the selected in rich text boolean false
toolbar.richtext.hasFonts Enables fonts name support in rich text boolean true
toolbar.richtext.hasFontSize Enables font size support in rich text boolean true
toolbar.richtext.hasFontColor Enables font color support in rich text boolean true
toolbar.richtext.hasUnderline Enables underline support in rich text boolean true
toolbar.richtext.hasBold Enables bold support in rich text boolean true
toolbar.richtext.hasItalic Enables italic support in rich text boolean true
toolbar.securityList.checkOwner If true, the security list is only shown when the annotation belongs to the current user boolean true


property Description type default
topPanel.widgets.beanNames The list of widgets to define (XML bean names) for the top panel String topPanelLeftSection,topPanelMiddleSection,topPanelRightSection
topPanel.upload.buttons.beanNames The list of widgets to define (XML bean names) for the upload/print file dropdown String uploadButton,uploadURLButton,uploadXFDFButton The list of widgets to define (XML bean names) for the download file dropdown String downloadButton,downloadRootButton,downloadAllSourcesButton,downloadPdfButton,downloadAllButton,downloadWithRedactButton,downloadAnnotationsButton,downloadAnnotationsCSVButton,downloadXFDFAnnotationsButton,downloadFDFAnnotationsButton,downloadWithFDFAnnotationsButton,downloadWithCompareButton
topPanel.ellipsis.buttons.beanNames The list of widgets to define (XML bean names) for the static content of ellipsis (More button/hamburger button) String labelAbout, aboutButton The list of widgets to define (XML bean names) for the searchbox String searchBox
topPanel.imageProcessing.buttons.vertical.beanNames The list of widgets to define (XML bean names) for the image processing file sub-menu in vertical String brightnessSlider,contrastSlider,invertSlider
topPanel.section.left.buttons.beanNames The list of widgets to define (XML bean names) for the left section of the toppanel String importMenu,saveDirtyAnnotations,downloadMenu,printButton,plumeMenu,htmlPluginMenu
topPanel.section.middle.buttons.beanNames The list of widgets to define (XML bean names) for the middle section of the toppanel String addStickyNoteAnnotationButton,annotationCreationOpenCreation,documentBuilderButton,imageProcessingMenu,showAllAnnotationsButton,showAllAnnotationsAndRotationsButton,refreshAnnotation,docLinkDropdown
topPanel.section.right.buttons.beanNames The list of widgets to define (XML bean names) for the right section of the toppanel String firstPageButton,previousPageButton,pageNavigation,nextPageButton,lastPageButton,zoomBox,fullscreenButton,zoomSelectableDropdown,rotateSelectableDropdown,cropBoxButton,selectAllTextDocument,multiViewTools,searchSection
topPanel.selectable.button.zoom.enabled Enable the zoom selectable button of the toppanel boolean true
topPanel.selectable.button.zoom.beanNames The list of widgets to define (XML bean names) for the zoom selectable button of the toppanel String zoomFullWidth,zoomFullHeight,zoomFullPage,zoomInZone,zoomInZoneGlass
topPanel.selectable.button.zoom.default.beanName XML bean name for the default action selected for the zoom selectable button of the toppanel String zoomFullPage
topPanel.selectable.button.rotate.enabled Enable the rotate selectable button of the toppanel boolean true
topPanel.selectable.button.rotate.beanNames The list of widgets to define (XML bean names) for the rotate selectable button of the toppanel String rotateLeft,rotateRight,rotateAllLeft,rotateAllRight,rotateReset
topPanel.selectable.button.rotate.default.beanName XML bean name for the default action selected for the rotate selectable button of the toppanel String rotateRight
topPanel.documentMenu Activate the document sub-menu boolean true
topPanel.cropbox.enabled Activate the button for cropbox in the toppanel boolean false
topPanel.lineHeadTailMenu Change to false to remove line head options menu. boolean true
topPanel.documentMenu.upload Activate the upload file button boolean true
topPanel.documentMenu.url Activate the open url button boolean true Allow to use enter to validate the input URL from the URL button boolean true
topPanel.documentMenu.xfdfUpload Activate the top panel XFDF upload button boolean false Activate the top panel download document button boolean true Activate the top panel download composite document button boolean true The default behavior for download. Valid values : DOWNLOAD_SOURCE or DOWNLOAD_NON_PDF String DOWNLOAD_NON_PDF
topPanel.documentMenu.downloadPDF Activate the top panel button : download document as PDF boolean true
topPanel.documentMenu.downloadAllSources Activate the top panel button : download all current documents as original format in a ZIP boolean true
topPanel.documentMenu.downloadAll Activate the top panel button : download all current documents as a single PDF boolean true
topPanel.documentMenu.downloadWithRedact Activate the top panel button : download the current document with redact as PDF. If true, only displayed for allowed users boolean true
topPanel.documentMenu.downloadAnnotation Activate the top panel button : download the current document with annotations as PDF boolean true
topPanel.documentMenu.downloadCSVAnnotations Activate the top panel button : download the current document annotations as CSV boolean false
topPanel.documentMenu.downloadWithFDFAnnotation Activate the top panel button : download the current document with annotations as FDF boolean false
topPanel.documentMenu.downloadXFDFAnnotations Activate the top panel button : download the current document annotations as XFDF boolean false
topPanel.documentMenu.downloadFDFAnnotations Activate the top panel button : download the current document annotations as FDF boolean false Activate the top panel button : download the compared documents side by side with compare result on it boolean true
topPanel.imageProcessMenu.enabled Activate the image processing menu button boolean true
topPanel.imageProcessMenu.brightness.enabled Activate the brightness slider boolean true
topPanel.imageProcessMenu.contrast.enabled Activate the contrast slider boolean true
topPanel.imageProcessMenu.invert.enabled Activate the invert colors slider boolean true
topPanel.imageProcessMenu.process.mode Set how image processing is applied : CURRENT_PAGE, ALL_PAGES, ALL_DOCUMENTS String ALL_DOCUMENTS
topPanel.subMenu.button.timeOut REMOVED since version 4.7.0 Sets up the time in Milliseconds before the sub-menu buttons disappear integer 100
topPanel.subMenu.subPanel.timeOut REMOVED since version 4.7.0 Sets up the time in Milliseconds before the sub-menu panel disappears integer 500
topPanel.print Activate the print button in the topPanel boolean true
topPanel.annotationMenu Activate the annotation sub-menu boolean true
topPanel.annotationMenu.stickyNote Activate the sticky note annotation button boolean true
topPanel.annotationMenu.freetext Activate the freetext annotation button boolean true
topPanel.annotationMenu.stickyNote.editable Allow the sticky note to be edited boolean true
topPanel.annotationMenu.highlight Activate the highlight annotation button boolean true
topPanel.annotationMenu.highlight.repeat Activate the highlight annotation button, in repeat mode (does not cancel unless pressed again) boolean false
topPanel.annotationMenu.arrow Activate the arrow annotation button boolean true
topPanel.annotationMenu.arrow.repeat Activate the arrow annotation button, in repeat mode (does not cancel unless pressed again) boolean false
topPanel.annotationMenu.arrow.measure Activate the arrow measure annotation button boolean true
topPanel.annotationMenu.arrow.measure.repeat Activate the arrow measure annotation button, in repeat mode (does not cancel unless pressed again) boolean false
topPanel.annotationMenu.polygon Activate the polygon annotation button boolean true
topPanel.annotationMenu.polygon.repeat Activate the polygon annotation button, in repeat mode (does not cancel unless pressed again) boolean false
topPanel.annotationMenu.polyline Activate the polyline annotation button boolean true
topPanel.annotationMenu.polyline.repeat Activate the polyline annotation button, in repeat mode (does not cancel unless pressed again) boolean false
topPanel.annotationMenu.freehand Activate the freehand annotation button boolean true
topPanel.annotationMenu.freehand.repeat Activate the freehand annotation button, in repeat mode (does not cancel unless pressed again) boolean false
topPanel.annotationMenu.highlightText Activate the text highlight annotation button boolean false
topPanel.annotationMenu.highlightText.repeat Activate the text highlight annotation button, in repeat mode (does not cancel unless pressed again) boolean false
topPanel.annotationMenu.underlineText Activate the text underline annotation button boolean false
topPanel.annotationMenu.underlineText.repeat Activate the text underline annotation button, in repeat mode (does not cancel unless pressed again) boolean false
topPanel.annotationMenu.strikethroughText Activate the strikethrough text annotation button boolean false
topPanel.annotationMenu.strikethroughText.repeat Activate the strikethrough text annotation button, in repeat mode (does not cancel unless pressed again) boolean false Activate the circle annotation button boolean true Activate the circle annotation button, in repeat mode (does not cancel unless pressed again) boolean false
topPanel.annotationMenu.stamp Activate the stamp annotation button boolean true
topPanel.annotationMenu.hide Activate the hide annotations button boolean true
topPanel.annotationMenu.hideAll Activate the hide all annotations button (includes redact) boolean false
topPanel.refresh Activate the refresh annotations button boolean true
topPanel.zoomBox Activate the boxed zoom button boolean true
topPanel.copy.document.text Activate the copy all text of the document button boolean false
topPanel.annotationMenu.sound Activate the sound annotation button boolean false
topPanel.pageNavigation.first Activates the go to first page navigation button boolean true
topPanel.pageNavigation.previous Activates the go to previous page navigation button boolean true Activates the go to next page navigation button boolean true
topPanel.pageNavigation.last Activates the go to last page navigation button boolean true
topPanel.zoom.fullWidth Activates the zoom (full width of document) button boolean true
topPanel.zoom.fullHeight Activates the zoom (full height of document) button boolean true
topPanel.zoom.fullPage Activates the zoom (full page of document) button boolean true Activates the zoom in button boolean true
topPanel.zoom.out Activates the zoom out button boolean true Activates the zoom by zone button boolean true
topPanel.zoom.zoneGlass Activates the zoom (magnifying glass) button boolean false
topPanel.zoom.zoneGlass.value Sets the default zoom ratio for the magnifying glass integer 2
topPanel.rotation.left Activates the rotate left button boolean true
topPanel.rotation.right Activates the rotate right button boolean true
topPanel.rotation.all Activates the rotate all pages buttons boolean false
topPanel.rotation.reset Activates the rotate left button boolean false Sets up the amount of rotation applied when pressing the rotation buttons integer 90
topPanel.rotation.add Activates rotations sub-menu boolean true Activates the search in the top panel boolean true If true, default search behavior. Otherwise, open in the advanced search panel boolean false If true and is true, display search text results in the AdvancedSearchExplorer. boolean false If true, the “next result” search button will jump to the next result on the current visible page instead of resuming where you left the search boolean true
topPanel.fullscreen Activates the full screen button in the top panel boolean true
topPanel.fullscreen.hideTopPanel If true, full screen will hide the top panel totally boolean false
topPanel.fullscreen.alwaysShowTopPanel If true, the toppanel will always be visible in fullscreen and won’t hide boolean false
topPanel.docLink Enables the document linking dropdown button boolean false
topPanel.selectable.button.docLink.beanNames The list of widgets to define (XML bean names) for the document linking button String blueText,blueFrame
topPanel.selectable.button.docLink.default.beanName XML bean name for the default action selected for the document linking button String blueText


property Description type default
ui.legacy.enabled Enable the legacy UI (GWT), otherwise will use ReactJS components boolean true


property Description type default
upload.file.openInNewWindow Uploaded files should open in a new window of ARender boolean false


property Description type default
visualization.mode Visualization mode : Single, BookMode String Single
visualization.reload.lower.quality Reload lower quality images once the higher quality has been fetched (always load the perfect size, or save bandwidth) boolean false
visualization.reload.minimum.width.change Difference between the old image width and the new image width. Reload the image if difference is greater than this value. float 0.1 Difference between the old image width and the new image width. Reload the image if difference is greater than this value. float 200.0 Autoplay videos boolean true
visualization.pagechange.mouse Mousewheel can change a document page boolean false
visualization.pagechange.animation Do animation on page changes (with navigation buttons) boolean false
visualization.pagecorner.enabled Display a corner on the pages border, allowing to change pages boolean false
visualization.pagecorner.animation Animates the page corner boolean false
visualization.fullscreen Activates the full screen visualisation in ARender boolean false
visualization.zoom.type Sets up the default zoom type : Default, FullWidth, FullHeight, In, Out, Custom, FullPage String FullWidth
visualization.zoom.value Default Zoom value, in percent in case of custom zoom integer 100
visualization.zoom.animation Animate on zoom boolean false Zoom according to the biggest page (width or height). Otherwise to the first page boolean true
visualization.zoom.step Zoom step value float 0.1 Allows rotations to be saved as annotation boolean false
visualization.guideruler.enabled Activate the ruler guide for ARender boolean false
visualization.guideruler.height Defines the height in pixel of the ruler guide integer 10
visualization.guideruler.increment Defines the movement in height in pixel for the ruler guide integer 10
visualization.multiView.enabled Allows documents to be viewed in multi documents boolean true
visualization.multiView.direction Defines the direction in which the multi view will open documents : horizontal or vertical String vertical
visualization.multiView.doComparison Allows to compare documents on start of ARender, when two documents or more are opened boolean false
visualization.multiView.showOnStart Show the multivew mode on start boolean false
visualization.multiView.synchronized Synchronize the scrolling of the views when in multiview boolean true
visualization.multiView.focusOnClick Force the user to click on the documents instead of mouse hovering to change on which document can be annotated boolean false
visualization.multiView.header.timeoutMs Timeout in milliseconds to auto hide the timer integer 5000
visualization.multiView.allow.scroll.document.change Allow the vertical scrolling to change document while in multiview boolean false
visualization.images.sharpen Place a css on document images to undo some of the “optimisations” browser do to display images boolean false
visualization.images.tolerance Adapts the images width tolerance in pixel (received versus drawn on screen). integer 10
visualization.images.svg.preview Enables or disables the SVG previews images boolean true
visualization.pages.prefetch Amount of pages to preload before they become visible integer 2
visualization.image.comparison.default.highlight.color Setup the default image comparison highlight color. Highlight for the pixels difference Color, in format #RRGGBB #FF0000
visualization.image.comparison.default.lowlight.color Setup the default image comparison lowlight color. Lowlight for the common pixels String none
visualization.image.comparison.default.fuzz Setup the default image comparison tolerance value. Value between 0 and 100. Value in percentage. integer 3
visualization.image.comparison.enabled Enable the images comparison boolean true
visualization.image.scheduled.timeoutMs Timeout (in ms) before updating the image while resizing the image integer 500
visualization.maximumConcurrentImageFetching Maximum number of document images to fetch simultaneously integer 8
visualization.nonVisiblePageTimeout Cleanup images which where non-visible for a long time (ms) integer 120000
visualization.imageCleanupPeriod Period at which images are cleaned (ms) integer 1500
visualization.maxImageCacheSize Maximum number of images to store in the cleanup cache before LRU eviction occurs integer 20


property Description type default
window.maximize Maximizes the ARender window boolean false